Ebook: 365 Writing Prompts

A bit of writing inspiration for every day of the year

Do you need a gentle nudge to help make writing a habit? Looking for an idea on how to get started or a way to warm-up to your writing projects? We’ve got you covered. Download 365 Days of Writing Prompts and you’ve got an entire year of writing inspiration at your fingertips.

If you’re working so hard on building a writing habit, why not treat yourself to a custom domain and more design options? Find a WordPress.com plan that’s right for you.

365 Invitations à Écrire

.pdf | .mobi | .epub

365 Apuntes Diarios Para Escribir

.pdf | .mobi | .epub

365 Hari Tuntunan Menulis

.pdf | .mobi | .epub

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    1. Thank you. I’m new to the game and need all the help I can get. Very generous of you. I look forward to growing in skills and knowledge in this area.


  1. Thank you so much for this. I have been frustrated not being able to plan ahead a bit. Now I can. Hip horrah. Question will the Daily prompts continue and be synced with the ebook? Just curious.


  2. I want to put this on my kindle app but it does not work when I press the Kindle button. Please help as I would love to have these prompts as a quick reference when I am looking for inspiration.


  3. Great news for the newcomers like myself. I am enjoying this great info SO so much. Thanks to making my dreams of blogging come true. 2014 is my year to drop my 3 writing projects and I will be sharing them on WordPress 1st.


  4. This is a great idea! Perhaps (if you haven’t already) you guys could make another ebook at some point for the photographer’s out there who would love to take a photo a day! I love the inspiration! Thanks so much for sharing! 😀
