Community Pool

Where bloggers come together to give each other feedback and advice.

Have you just published a new post and are dying for some feedback? Are you redesigning your blog and could use some layout or design advice from your more seasoned peers?

The Community Pool is for peer feedback and advice. Looking for more specific information? Check out some of these resources:

Tap into the wisdom of The Daily Post blogging community and leave your question here in the comments. Others can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

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To help us make the Community Pool a productive space for discussion, here are some tips and guidelines you might find useful:

  • While you’re not required to, we encourage everyone who requests feedback to also reply to at least one or two other bloggers who need some help. Spread the love!
  • The Community Pool comments section can get quite big — and starting duplicate threads doesn’t help. Thanks for not posting the same question more than once, as well as for not starting numerous threads in a single Pool.
  • If you’re looking for quality feedback, be as specific as you can. Questions about a particular post tend to draw more comments than ones about entire blogs. Questions about specific design elements are more likely to be answered than ones asking for general layout advice.
  • We discourage leaving links without a more substantive message or question. These are often overlooked by other bloggers, and we frequently remove them to make the comment reading experience smoother. Also note that including multiple links in your comment might automatically put it in the moderation queue, which will delay its publication.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. The idea is to have fun — it’s a pool, after all!
  • To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • No running on the deck.

Are you a new blogger looking to share your very first post? We have a special forum for bloggers just like you in our weekly First Friday posts.

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  1. Hello lads and lasses, me again. In my latest post, I have explored a topic which people generally don’t want to talk about : Euthanasia. I would love to know your views on the topic, and what you think of my opinion. Please suggest if there is any room for improvement. I’ll be sure to return the favor and check out your posts too. Here’s the link:

    Euthanasia : An Ethical Perspective

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Hiiiii guys!! Hoping to make “The World According to John” a regular feature on my blog. “John” is basically an average, middle class guy and I use his view of life in a satirical way to shed light on the many problems in society which people sometimes don’t see. This is my second one:
    The first one was a general article on a whole host of problems! I hope to focus future articles on one topic, as in the linked one above! Could you please let me know what you think of this?! Also open to perhaps ideas for future articles, eg John on healthcare or John on women’s rights!!! Thaaaanks guys!!!!!!

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Hi, everyone!
    I’m here with my new post, hope y’all would find it informative, Please do read it and provide me your feedback, I would appreciate your concern, also do let me know if I need any improvement.
    You will find more posts on my profile which I would love if you make some time to check them out.
    Here is the link for my latest post:

    Liked by 3 people

  4. I’ve been trying to force myself to write at least once a week lately and set myself a number of challenges. I’m the first to admit this week’s isn’t my best work, but I’m trying to have a bit of fun with it.

    Describe a Character

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Hello dear bloggers, would love some feedback on my blog, will definitely return the favor, and feel free to follow me, as I always follow back,, see you there, thanks in advance 🙂

    Liked by 5 people

  6. Hello 🙂💕

    I’m Mona and my blog is called preppy_pink_piglet 🙂

    I’ve been blogging for just over 2 months now and I’m over the moon to have achieved the 200+ followers milestone 😃🎉

    Musings: 200+ Followers

    Earlier this week, I started a new series on my blog with my wishlists 😍

    Please do visit my blog. Hope you enjoy my posts. Feedback is welcome.

    Have a lovely week ahead 🌸💖

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Hey there, good evening all!!😊
    Today , I’m with a very different thing I’ve never wrote related to.., actually when she was successfully published on the blog and so many said that was great., some suggested me , why don’t I write on “He” , I said I don’t have any idea about that particular word, then I tried to write by observing most known boys around me like my bro, my dance instructor and all….
    So, tell me all, did I wrote with the same energy and love as I wrote about myself(or say about all the girls..)😉

    Liked by 3 people

  8. A short recollection of the last time I got on a bus. It’s not much but I’d like to know what you think of it. My friends are terribly biased and so I’m looking for an honest opinion.
    If your blog contains humorous content, please do reply with a link to it. I’d love a good laugh.
    Feedback and comments would be greatly appreciated.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Hi everyone!

    My latest post is continuing my series on a week road trip in Bavaria through the Romantic Road, Black Forest and Munich. This time I recount my experiences of the famous landmark, Neuschwanstein Castle.

    German Diaries Day 6 – Neuschwanstein Castle

    Would love to get some feedback on my travel writing and post layouts. I have been trying to make them short enough so they are easily digestible and seperated evenly with a selection of photos. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance,


    Liked by 3 people

  10. Heya peeps.
    New poem up. Let me know your thoughts about it. I wanted to write on this topic because internet is important to me, and I don’t want it to be toxic.
    I would appreciate your feedback.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Hi y’all, I’m Ama and I’d like you to answer a simple question here >>
    I’d be glad to have some feedback from you

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Well, I’ve re-imagined my blog. I still love to cook, but there is so much out there and I’m a Jackson Pollock kind of chef. I’m not good about recording exact procedures and measurements, I just kind of sling ingredients around. The end result is usually good, but it doesn’t make for a great food blog.
    So this is to introduce “Poppy Walks the Dog” it will be focused on my musings. As always your feedback is appreciated. (I did archive all the posts from the old blog)

    Introducing “Poppy Walks the Dog.”

    Liked by 3 people

    1. That was a pleasant read. My favorite sentence was, “I believe that is because they are so accustomed to my pace and gait that when they see humans running who are not being chased by bears or lions they view them as guilty of something and up to no good.” I suspect your pug is more perceptive than you realize.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You shared a great story. If I can, I would suggest you increase the font size, it is so small to read right now AND if possible try to “shorten” your word count. I try to read quiet a few Blogs, but it takes time, which I do not have a lot of. So, if I come across Blogs that are extremely long unless I am super interested after the second paragraph I cannot finish reading. My humble opinion. You have great information to share, if it was shorter it would have kept my attention.

      Liked by 2 people

  13. hey guise .There is my new post then please comment because my blog document related.They are basically based in USA but provide ids for all over the world, for maximum countries, here you Buy Id Card for yourself.


    Liked by 3 people

    1. Love the tips,your webpage looks great, but maybe look into giving it more splash in the design. Like less square and more friendly. (not sure how to explain :P)

      Overall great blog, and great posts!!!

      Liked by 1 person