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  1. I’d like to invite everyone to stop by and check out my poem for the week, “She.” This poem did really well when I posted it yesterday receiving over 20 likes and vaulting into my “Top 5.” It’s a short poem of four four-line stanzas. I always try to match an image with a post, and I think the image I chose fits with this poem very well. If you like it, please click the like button on the post page, and follow along so you don’t miss anything. Fell free to browse as I’ve got lots of poetry pieces. Feedback and comments are always welcome, and please leave those on the post page as well. Thanks in advance for reading.


    Liked by 4 people

  2. Hi, I started a December series for this last month of my year-long Positivity Project. I’m doing a year in review of all the Principles of Positivity I’ve written about this year in the style of The Twelve Days of Christmas – I’ve called it “The Thirty-One Days Of December French Hens & Turtle Doves Positivity Song”

    I have a different positivity exercise every day, and I’ve invited everyone to participate. Bloggers, you can create your own “list” documenting your daily activities and link your list to mine so we can create a “chorus of positivity” online.

    Please take a look, and join in the positivity party all month long! Here’s the introductory post: https://kurilane.com/2016/12/01/the-thirty-one-days-of-december/

    And be sure to check out my French Hens & Turtle Doves list at https://kurilane.com/french-hens-turtle-doves/.
    Make sure to check the list, as I’m “making a list” and adding to it every day… 😉

    Cheers! Happy December everyone!!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks for sharing, Holly! My sibling in-law is in the process of establishing the gender identity they feel most comfortable with! It’s been a difficult process for them. I will have to recommend your blog! Will be following along with you!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m glad they have come to the conclusion to truly find themselves. Thank you for joining the tribe! I’ll be sure to look out for your posts. ❤

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Davide Great blog and lots of variety. Just wondering whether your hashtag should read #theguywhoalwayssaidno? This would be grammatically correct if you are always saying no 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Would it be possible for me to get feedback on my blog as a whole? In terms of accessibility, ease of navigating, etc. Thank you guys!!


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Looks great! Easy to navigate. I love DC! I travel there for work every now and then and it seems there’s always something new to see. Hope you’re enjoying your time as a student there! Am following!


    2. It would be helpful to have a link to your blog posts in the menu, as I have no idea how to find them other than clicking the one that appears in the “Top Posts” widget.

      I think you’ve got the right idea, overall. The header image is just a tad bit plain. Maybe you could use a free website like PixMonkey to put the title and tagline of your blog on the actual image.


  4. Very new to blogs, I’m just starting out, its about many different things. If you can help, all will be appreciated. I only posted twice very infant stage. It doesn’t have a main focus and I’m not sure if I want one yet. Thanks in advance.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. At first glance, all the place holder text makes your blog look empty. You might want to remove it. Another option is to set up your site so the Home page shows your latest blog posts. That way, visitors see some of your content immediately when they arrive at your site. https://gracelead.co

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I’d like to invite everyone to stop by and check out a short piece of creative prose, “Welcome to Winter 2016.” Saturday was the first full day resembling winter and I was inspired to write a little piece welcoming the new season. I set the scene for both outdoors and indoors. I always try to match an image with a post, and I think the image I chose fits. If you like it, please click the like button on the post page, and follow along so you don’t miss anything. Fell free to browse as I’ve got lots of poetry pieces. Feedback and comments are always welcome, and please leave those on the post page as well. Thanks in advance for reading.

    Welcome to Winter 2016

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Recently started following a blogger who I find hilarious. I love her style of writing and the way she communicates her feelings is so pure and unadulterated that I found myself lacking. I wrote this post https://beingarellanes.wordpress.com/2016/12/05/hello-december/
    and I’m hoping to have the same effect with my blogging – not taking her style of course, but using my own to really communicate exactly what I’m feeling.
    Do my posts resonate with you? Are you feeling what I’m feeling? Are you interested throughout the entire post, or do you get a little bored? This is the type of feedback I’m looking for.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. I really liked the comedic spin on the writing style. I think you just have to careful not to be too ‘forced’. I’d love some feedback on how I write 😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s reassuring and also bettering to have strangers critique you on certain things! Writing definitely being on of them. I actually am on your blog right now viewing some of your posts! Usually I don’t like blogs with dark backdrops, but yours is so crisp and clean and EASY to read and navigate. I really am enjoying perusing around!
        As for the writing style, I’ve only read one post so far (the Adult Coloring Books) and it was very direct and to the point, while easy to follow. It seems to be very true to self, a wellness blog about wellness. 😀 THANKS!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yeah I’ve heard a lot of people don’t like black backgrounds but I honestly think it’s okay if it’s clear, clean and bright. Thankyou for the critique, very appreciated 😊

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I was interested in pregnancy and fitness/wellness before getting pregnant, so now I’m double interested! Sometimes the routines/tips that I read come from people who are pregnant currently which really helps. But I think with your blog you’d be able to expand your audience very easily this way. Just a thought! I’m following with or without 😉

        Liked by 1 person

    2. I appreciate the witty humor! It makes me feel like I can relate to you more! Plus you talked about Christmas- a win-win. I feel like I’m a little silly, so I’m less interested in serious posts if they’re not applicable to me! Thanks for sharing. Following!

      Liked by 1 person

    3. Hi there! I really enjoy the humor you infuse in your writing. My only suggestion would be to remember to stick to your message. I’m saying this as someone who rambles A LOT. It can be really hard to stay on point throughout a whole post, but in the writing world, the golden rule is that less is always more. Concise writing is one of the best things you can give your readers. That being said, I didn’t think your “wandering” was terrible or anything. It’s just that people have very short attention spans, haha.

      That being said, I think you had a really nice message and your relationship with your husband is just too cute. I wish you the best of luck in life and in blogging. And if you ever want more feedback about anything, I’d be happy to provide.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Your feedback has been really constructive. I have an issue with wandering down rabbit holes, but that’s something I’m happy to work on! Succinct is not my forte, but we’ll keep trying for it!
        Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts and give me tips. From one blogger to another it’s appreciated!

        Liked by 2 people

  7. Check out my blog. But what I wanted to tell everyone is be sure to view these pages from your phone browser in desktop view. Sounds odd but unless you are on the wp app on your phone, the comment section posting box is not viewable.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You have a captivating writing style. it’s inspiring, honest, and beautiful. The way you write about pain and struggle feels so real.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Hey guys! I’m an overly passionate and very new film review blogger. In case you might be interested in reading some of my reviews please check out my blog! I appreciate any feedback you have to offer me. Even if you don’t feel like reading much, you can take a quick glance and I can hook you up with some film suggestions. Thanks and happy blogging!

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Hi all,

    Hope your blogging goals are going well.

    I’m on a 30-day blog challenge and have posted day 4 (I am 1 day behind). Would welcome the boost to my traffic and if you enjoy what you read, please leave your response at the blog page by way of a comment, or like. And if you really like my post, please don’t hesitate to share with your social network contacts.

    Looking forward to your visits and I thank you in anticipation.

    Early Memories

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi I read a couple of your posts and found them really insightful – I could particularly relate to the one about a toxic friendship! I particularly liked that they are quiet short and stick to one area – but I missed photos! I’d love it if you could check out my blog – just click on my name and pick any recent post, all feedback appreciated!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Hey guys and gals I am brand new to blogging brand new to making a site all of it. I have written 2 posts one about the ketogenic diet, the other is about government overreach. My question is should I keep to a specific topic? And if you get a chance to read they are both in a different format. Curious to which a reader would prefer. I know you are probably busy but if you get a chance thanks.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi JP, first I must say that I would like to know more about the book before I would go out and buy it or recommend it to someone. I am a busy person as are so many others Christian or not. I am Christian BTW. I am intrigued, but I would have to have a connections as to why would I make time to read this. Who is your audience and what do they need in a book? I personally want to know HOW I WILL BE CHANGED by it. No doubt, you have a lot to share with us as readers, but a good cliffhanger would be a great start. Not so much exposing the plot but some REAL LIFE experiences that many can relate to is what I need in a book that will borrow my time. Thanks so much. Keep us posted. I will follow so I can learn more and be updated for publishing and share far and wide.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Thanks so much! I’ll definitely update the page with that content in the next few days. All the characters are “real” people in the sense that almost everyone can identify with someone. They all have flaws but yet teach lessons by their actions. I’ll be more clear in my post on the page. Thanks again for the feedback.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Healing Foodie has some good points. I notice that you took their suggestions and I think that’s great. However, the page is know a little long. My suggestion would be to cut back and condense everything into maybe 3-4 paragraphs about the plot, why you’re writing it, and how it’ll change us. I know that might be hard (cutting back is always hard), but I think it’ll help you get your point across much better.

      One thing you could consider doing is now or even down the road publish a little teaser. I did that for my book to generate hype and give people a taste of what’s to come. Posting regular things like character profiles and other world building elements through the coming year might also help generate interest.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks! What do you mean by building character profiles? Do you mean adding pages to the site about each character ? And when you say teaser do you mean post a chapter online? I really appreciate the feedback.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yeah, yeah, building character profiles. Like maybe doing a post that is a character “spotlight” that introduces the character and their role in the story, etc. I’ve seen some authors do that and I think it’s really neat.

        For the teaser, you could post a chapter online. Or a half-chapter, even; that’s what I did. Just anything that’ll leave people wanting more for when the official release hits.

        I don’t know how active you are on Twitter, but there’s a lot of awesome articles out there for promoting your book on Twitter and utilizing hashtags.

        No problem. I love helping other writers in any I can.

        Liked by 1 person

  11. Hello again everyone! I hope y’all are enjoying another Monday at the community pool. Check out my latest post and get interactive. Feel free to leave feedback on any piece and drop some prompts in!


    For leaving prompts, you can hover over Scribble the Path and go to Interactive and drop something in the post designed for prompts!
    Happy reading!
    -Author S

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I too live by Love, a hard one to fully grasp as we all continually learn and evolve to the true manifestation of LOVE and only by the source of the One who is LOVE. Love is only complete when shared. Why? Because to love is to be loved. It must make full circle. I am not sure if comments can be edited but mine had a spelling error and I didnt make it to the why. Please add to your page if possible. Thanks and blessings

      Liked by 3 people

      1. I made the edit. No worries about small mistakes. Thank you for the kind words and blessings.
        Have a blessed night!
        -Author S

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Filth and Me are a reflection of the world culture to hide and go along with what makes others happy. I can see clearly by your thoughts and feelings that you very much do not belong in the life created and like so many of us go along and let life happen to us. I empathize with your view of materialism and that deep down we are all lonely and money doesn’t buy contentment. Relationships with others is what we all desire and possessions have no lasting value. I look forward to more of your expressions. Thanks for sharing.


    2. I particularly like the line in Art that says, “and stillness kills creation.” It speaks to more than creation, still kill us as well. We become stagnant and content and as a result we don’t notice that we are slowly dying. Great writing. Also love the poem Me. Many can relate to what you wrote. Your vulnerability is enthralling. Keep writing!

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Hello everyone. I’ve just posted a poem I wrote in response to the general happenings in the world today – my first time to do so – hoping to make my blog more relevant. I must say I feel a bit afraid and unsure – but these are my real thoughts.

    So two things I’d like to hear about:
    a) how this poem strikes you the reader – could you feel my emotion?
    b) general impression of how my blog looks or feels like – to a passing visitor.
    Any feedback will be much appreciated. Thank you. And cheers to all!

    Here’s my post:


    Liked by 4 people

    1. A) The emotion I sensed is irritation, impatience, and urgency if those can be called emotion. But more importantly,I connect and was able to be free to relate my own emotions and events that pop into mind with each topic expressed. As a reader that gives me a sense that I am there with you in your longing and one with you in Spirit and in prayer. That is very important for me as a reader. You put words to my thoughts that I can deeply relate to. Thanks so much. Hope that helps with A)

      Liked by 2 people

      1. B) the layout is simple. I would personally add some photos that draw on the topic. It is very easy to navigate. I will be following. Thanks for sharing here. I also hope its OK that I added a link to the here andnow post on My blog as it related to health. If not. I will remove it. I’m not sure how permission. Is used here but I gave you all the credit.

        Liked by 3 people

      2. Oh wow thanks a lot for your encouraging feedback. This is a BIG help. Yes this is also important for me to learn how to connect with my readers. Indeed, those were my feelings as I was writing those lines – in fact I was tearing up inside because I had just read another sad story of a child caught in the crossfire…and was really offering a prayer for him and countless others. Thank you for being one with me in Spirit and in prayer. All the best too

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Jill i didn’t immediately see your first comment. You’re right a photo can help draw more attention – but I couldn’t find any from my personal file that can go with me. If you browse my blog more, you’d see I have photos in my other posts – but because I also changed the theme, hence the images in some of my posts were lost, and I still haven’t updated them yet.

        Most of the pictures I use are my own photographs – to avoid copyrighting issues.

        Yes please, you may link to any of my posts you find relevant to your topic, and I’ll appreciate your giving me credit too.

        Nice of you to give time to my questions. Thank you.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. a) I felt that you have an overwhelming sympathy for the suffering you see or read about. There was also disappoint in the human race; how did we let ourselves sink so low?

      b) There are a little too many colors going on, I think. The blue bg, the pink links, the black headers, the white text, and the green borders. I guess it’s not that there’s 4 different colors, but that they’re all so different from each other. Maybe change the pink to the same green in the border? However, I understand that WP has a LOT of theme constraints and you might not be able to.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Hi, I am fairly new to blogging and struggling with the menu set up. Is this done through tagging? I am also curious if my about me page is too much and positioned correctly? I cannot seem to get my posts to be simply listed. As the blog has grown it gets to be a bit hard to scroll all the way through. Is that done each individual post? Any suggestions are very much needed and welcomed. Thanks in advanced.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Your Menu can be controlled in settings. Currently your categories make up the main tool bar, but you could group them in one on the Menu editing portion under My Site then Menu. Play around with it and find what suits you best.
      Your posts are listed all together. If you want easy access to a certain one, make an archive available or use the categories. In settings you can also alter the posts so that only a summary is shown of each post on the home page until the reader clicks to read more. Hope that helps! Your blog looks great!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for sharing Annie, I can appreciate the collection of thoughts. Apart from a few grammer and spelling, minor, issues it’s aa collection that speaks for so manypeople. Keep sharing your heart out hun.

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    2. Great blog set up! Loved looking at your travel pictures. You have such a diverse blog that many people can relate too. Great writing style as well. Do an About page so readers can know more about you!

      Liked by 2 people