Community Pool

The place for feedback, advice, and friendly blogging chatter.

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  • If you’re looking for quality feedback, be as specific as you can. Questions about a particular post tend to draw more comments than ones about entire blogs. Questions about specific design elements are more likely to be answered than ones asking for general layout advice.
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  1. Hey everyone! I really love the vibe in this pool because it really helped me continue blogging this past month. I just started and I wasn’t sure if it was going to last, but a month later I’m still working at it with the same passion and enthusiasm as when I started (if not more!).

    Here’s my new post on making checklists and how to make it work for you from a doctor’s perspective.

    Ventricular Tachycardia, Bomber Planes, And Checklists: How To Decrease Cognitive Load To Be More Productive

    Liked by 8 people

      1. Thank you for reading! I appreciate the feedback. I was worried with the some of the serious subject matter that was inferred that being to light hearted would be inappropriate. Thanks again!

        Liked by 3 people

    1. In my opinion, nothing is inappropriate on YOUR blog. If you take the time to think it up or remember it, if you take the time to write it, and push the publish button, it’s your right to do so. Your true followers will appreciate your authenticity.

      I liked the posts I read. I like your honesty, and the way you shared your personal stories with your reading audience.

      My suggestions are adding an About page if you don’t have one. I couldn’t locate, and breaking your posts down into Categories. Uncategorized is a bit vague, would you agree?

      I liked and commented on your specific content on your blog. Good reads!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you so much for all the feedback. I think I will start to break some of the posts up as I’m starting to see different patterns emerging in my writing topics. This is something I didn’t even set forth to do and seems to be happening. I have a short about page but have trouble locating it myself so I will work on it as well. Thanks again for taking all the time to read and comment!

        Liked by 2 people

    2. You have a great blog. The proximity to danger theory was interesting to read. It never occurred to me to look at it that way. Keep up the amazing work!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Hello again, my wonderful savior community pool.

    There is one blog post I am particularly curious to see what people’s feedback is.. if anyone is interested in reading my Genre is Dead that would be amazing. Also any criticism is highly appreciated. Thank you so much!

    Liked by 5 people

    1. I enjoyed your blog. I would just ask you to continue learning and growing, and enjoying your life. There’s a song I remember from the past. It’s called “Ride Like the Wind,” by Christopher Cross. This one is definitely an oldie.

      Life is a ride, and if you let it ups and downs and all)…will take you places even you may have never dreamed existed.

      Do You!!!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I left several comments on your blog. I wish you the highest and best. Keep writing your feelings down. Help yourself be strong. Reach out when you need to, even if it’s to a stranger. You are not alone. Keep blogging, because you are being the change you seek. Much appreciated!

      Liked by 2 people

  3. I simply cannot believe how rapidly Monday flies round….I’m still working on my blog seems the desktop version throws up three columns instead I the mobile version which has two and the left side logo and menus at the top. I’d looks ok on mobile devices but blah on desktops. Anyone else confirm this on their viewing system and how to fix the desktop issue would be most welcome to drop a comment in….or if you just want to take a look and pike about..that’s ok too 😁 Just know….in advance….likes, comments or follows get visited back….call it my policy or general inquisitive nature….I will,hunt ya down 🙃

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I really enjoyed your post! Keep it up! I would only say I was starting to get in to it just as it stopped, so maybe a bit more length would have worked well for this particular post!

      Liked by 3 people

    1. I really loved (and sympathize with) your post about what they don’t teach. I am a high school teacher, and I worry for my students when they enter the real world. They might know Chemistry…but is that really enough?

      If you’d be willing to offer feedback on my blog, I would appreciate it as well!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi. I read the first two chapters of your story. It comes across as portraying day-to-day life in India and I like that.

      There are a number of grammatical things that caught my attention. For instance, saying, “c u tomorrow” instead of “see you tomorrow”. Not a huge deal, but there’s a couple things like that.

      Also, the cursive font you use for the “Author Speaks” parts in chapter two were hard to read. It may just be my monitor or something, but the font was too small and flowery for me to really make out what it said, so it came off as a bit distracting.

      Liked by 3 people

  4. hey everybody,

    Hope you are all well – this week i would love it if you would take a look at this blog focusing on Trolls and the disconnect between real life and the character that emerges when some people sit in front of a screen:

    You kiss your mom with those troll fingers?

    This has been another charged few days in South Africa due to a recent race incident that happened which resulted in a huge swing in the opposite direction that has many people baffled so would also love it if you have time to check out some collated thoughts on that:

    A waitressing tip.

    Keep blogging hard and thanks to everyone who takes the time to help us improve
    love brett fish

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Good Day everyone, The 6 Million P Man here with my photography blog for you to have a perusal of.

    I shoot street and landscape mostly and have several, relatively long running, continuing series’ of post’s on the subject. However I though I’d post something pretty today so below is a link to a nice photo I took t’other day.


    If you like it why not check out the rest of my blog, comment away, tell what’s right and what’s wrong and heck I’ll even have a nose at yours if you like. How does that sound for a deal?

    Thanks in advance

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Hi. I like your photography a lot. Your latest street photography pictures are really cool. The black and white with the dark, heavy shadows make for some striking compositions.

      I don’t know that I have any criticisms for you, other than that I would actually like to see the pictures be even bigger. They are nice embedded in the post like that, but I think it would be cool if there was some way to view them fullscreen or something. That way I could really immerse myself in the scale of it, if that makes sense.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Hi thanks for that, I’m glad you enjoy them. Most of the photo’s I post I also post on my Flickr account, which can be found on the link’s page, as it allows me to post higher resolution image’s and that way can be viewed much bigger.

        Liked by 2 people

  6. Hello everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful day! If you would stop by and check out my blog! I love all feedback and would love to hear from you! Thank you!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I like how real your last post was! Everyone has that friend that just became a total ghost, but most don’t share the details. I totally sympathize and I enjoyed reading (though, I’m sorry for your heartache.)

      If you wouldn’t mind taking a peek at my blog,, I would appreciate it!

      Liked by 2 people

  7. I have posted a new blog, about me page and would like some feed back! Also a question – when you built your site or post a blog are you thinking more for mobile or computer? I personally have gone more for mobile. Thoughts?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I try to think of both and find a middle ground that looks appealing on both. I find myself clicking between the previews and tweaking a lot in the final edit just before I publish.

      Liked by 2 people

  8. Hey, everyone. I’m a reader, an otaku (still debating whether I can call myself that yet), an artist (although it’s mostly just sketches or doodles but I quite enjoy it) and a k-popper. Fair warning though. There will be random outbursts and rants in the middle of my posts. But in the end, all I want is to brighten up your day even a little through what I write.

    My most recent post is about why mornings and I don’t mix.
    Care to give me your thoughts? I’d gladly do the same for you. Happy Blogging!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I didn’t see any ‘mess’ on your current blog. But if you want to change themes…go into your Customizer and click on themes. There you should find some additional options. You can also Google themes and take a look.

      My additional suggestions would be to format your posts as much as possible. A good content editor always comes in handy. Also use more images, gifs, memes, etc. You have some excellent posts, which just need jazzing up a bit. Highest and Best.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thanks for the advice, I will definitely check out some on google.
        What do you mean by a content editor? And yes, I’ve been thinking of adding a few more visuals for a while, I guess, I just don’t like using photos or images I have not created myself.
        Thanks a lot for your advice. x

        Liked by 2 people

      2. I’ve been told by a few bloggers that they don’t use WordPress to write or edit their blogs. They may use WordPad or Notepad to write the post or another pseudo word processing application found on their phone. Word works well with WordPress, and it’s mentioned as being compatible.

        Also… I have lots of technology, but find using my laptop or desktop best for writing posts, not phone or iPad.

        Liked by 2 people