What makes someone beautiful?

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  1. I have to say what I have found and that is beautiful people aren’t all that attractive. More so I think that it is what is inside that counts most. So in answer to the question…how they act and how they treat others and themselves.


  2. A gesture of kindness, a thought, a sincere smile, a warm welcome-all these and more that makes my heart melt when it’s thrown my way, with genuine intent, I think makes the giver beautiful. We may consider someone beautiful by a variety of criteria; but it’s that sincerity and purity of intention that counts the most. True, beauty is skin deep; but what I abhor the most is the thought of someone despicable on the outside and even more despicable on the inside. My skin crawls for this kind of people. Pathetic. True beauty emanates from inside I guess; and we can feel it. Likewise, we can also feel when there is malintent. Best option: never dwell on the ugly and the bad; instead, cherish and focus on the good and the beautiful– we lose nothing and gain so much that way.


  3. Something that strikes the heart and mesmerizes the soul. Better still if the spell can never be broken. That would be to me Beauty


  4. Beauty is all about perception. If you identify with someone’s heart they will be beautiful to you. Sometimes a person who appears beautiful will become unattractive as you realise they have no substance or are negative and draining. By the same token, a person who appears plain can become beautiful when you realise they are in essence a kind and creative person with a good heart.

    the eye of the beholder


  5. I have seen woman (and men) of effortless physical beauty that radiated from a distance. You had to notice them. Then the same person, you can come into close proximity to them, and say are word…when they open their mouths…the words that come out…all of the sudden the beauty fades away quickly.

    So beauty can be defined as a combination of external features that are unique and or classical in attractiveness, and internal goodness that emulates from the inside. One being more prevalent than the other can also be caused beauty.


  6. Charm, kindness, a smile all the time. I know this lady who isn’t physically beautiful. but she draws people to herself by being all the above.


  7. Character. Nothing else. Someone has a good character, result is beauty. Someone has a bad character, result, very unattractive. I can’t think of a single exception to this. Not one.


  8. Notice how everyone here has not once said that beauty is a size such-and-such or anything aesthetic, but what’s inside a person that makes them beautiful? Why is everyone so focused on the outside, then? The only time it seems not to matter is when people ask questions like this.


  9. it’s not that someone is or is not beautiful, it’s all in our perception of beautiful. What I think is beautiful, may not have the same effect on someone else. Physical beauty is certainly easy to define, but spiritual beauty is much deeper and can be felt be everyone. I believe it stems from love of self, harmony between life and spirit, self-forgiveness, and a clear conscience. đŸ™‚ Find someone with these qualities, and I think you’ll find that beauty radiates from them.


  10. Survival could be envisioned in personal terms alone and still answer all conditions.A theory is as good as it works.And it works as well as it explains observed data(beauty)and predicts new material,which in fact will be found to exist;”Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”.
    Personal beauty was computed in personal terms until the whole configuration of Man could be explained in line with his beautiful environment,and well-being!
