What would you do with a million dollars

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  1. Pay off bills, so my hubby wouldn’t have to stress. Enhance our retirement fund since hubby’s retiring in a few, short years, and we’ve used what we’ve had to help our daughter with her profession. Set up a trust for her so she could dance without worry about her future. Set up college funds for nieces and nephews who might need help. Give monetary gifts to family members in need. Make donations to individuals struggling to improve their lives, or nonprofits working to help the impoverished, the abused, the downtrodden.

    a million bucks may not do all that…but a little bit here and a little bit there can also help…hugmamma. 🙂


  2. I glad you ask. 🙂

    I do not have a long lists but simple three items. I wish you join my third item. It’s my dream to invest in a hot green marketing business that concealing Oil in the next 5 years – sell carbon credits.
    Share you ideas at my blog.


  3. If I had A Million Dollars I would Build Avillage With A Midevil Castle As the city walls. And Build my mom and brother a home of their own.
