How’s your Post a Day/Post a Week progress coming along?

Congratulations to everyone who’s become a more active blogger since joining the Post a Day/Post a Week challenge that we issued at the beginning of the year. You’ve already completed a whole month of consistent posting!

If you’ve missed a day, it’s okay. It’s not about how many posts you can publish — it’s about establishing a routine that helps you to achieve your own personal blogging goals. If daily posting starts to feel overwhelming, feel free to adjust your post frequency. Whatever you do, don’t give up!

So tell us, what are your thoughts so far? Are you enjoying the challenge? What have you accomplished this month? What strategies and techniques are working best for you?

We’ll continue to post here every day to support you throughout this challenge. If there’s something you want to see more of, be sure to let us know. Happy blogging!

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  1. I jumped in a bit late (just a few days ago) but I’m so glad to have found this blogging challenge. Thanks for the daily topics! 🙂


  2. I accepted the post a week challenge and I am up to 3-4 posts each week. I am finding inspiration from my the new blogs I have stumbled upon.
    Would someone pls help me figure out why my postweek badge has disappeared from my blog. The title is there but the actual badge is gone. Ugggh!!! Thanks in advance for the help.


  3. I accepted the post a week challenge and I am up to 3-4 posts each week. I am finding inspiration from the new blogs I have stumbled upon.
    Would someone pls help me figure out why my postweek badge has disappeared from my blog. The title is there but the actual badge is gone. Ugggh!!! Thanks in advance for the help.


    1. Hi Jeanne,

      I’ve just tried clicking on your link, but it comes up with a page stating that the author has withdrawn this blog!

      Is this another gitch?

      Thank you for stopping by my blog from time to time. Your support is much appreciated.

      Best wishes,


  4. Several people over the past month have asked if wordpress dot org is recognized in the challenge; i.e., included on your featured posts, etc. I don’t recall seeing an answer to any of the queries. Would appreciate hearing. Thanks.


    1. Articles we feature on The Daily Post are not limited to posts. However, the posts on the postaday2011 and postaweek2011 tag pages are all from blogs.


  5. I was doing a daily post for the entire year in 2010, and I was delighted to see that you were promoting the idea in 2011. I think WordPress is a great platform for daily posting because of the ease with which you can post, e.g. quickpress, post by phone, etc. Keep up the great motivations.


  6. I missed posting by one day so far, but for the most part have been very lucky enough to have been able to keep up.


  7. I accepted the post-a-day challenge and have only missed one to date. Oh the pressure … I do enjoy daily blogging! It’s becoming easier even though I don’t always keep to your suggested topics. How do we get to read other people’s blogs? Forgive me for being so ignorant!


  8. I LOVE IT! Now I blog more. As part of Postaweek2011, I don’t blog every day, but now I feel like it’s not just improving my blogging abilities, it’s improving the way I think and how I write. Thank you WordPress!


  9. Thanks. I pledged to write at least one blog post a week, but whenever an idea comes to mind, I sometimes write up to three blogs in a week. Thank you for your inspiration. It helped boost my blog’s readership. I will definitely blog more. 🙂


  10. Thank you for the motivation to post every day!

    I love scheduling! I can get a few posts scheduled and then let my mind run free on a difficult subject for a few days. It’s been great and has let me post every day. postaday2011 is making a huge difference in my journey, as locking words up inside and letting silence reign, is not good for me, lol.

    Even though I haven’t used any of the prompts yet, they do help ideas flow better in my mind. Kind of… ideas kicking ideas loose.


  11. POSTAWEEK is working for me; I needed to be regular and it made me come up with the theme: “52 steps to happ(y)ness”!
    Thank you for motivating us…Hope we can get more interaction with other bloggers, as comments from others DO make us happy and give us feedback on where to go from there.
    Cheers to all bloggers behind the screen!


  12. I love it becayuse it has taught me how to be organised and how to manage my time well. and ever since I learnt how to schedule posts, that has been pretty good. it also made me aware that anything can be turned into a blog post and that i should be confident about my blog! love this challenge


  13. I have missed some days but wrote double posts the next. I find it easier to write quite late at night so it is almost midnight when I hit Publish. Ideas come better then and if I write about my day, then, well, obviously all of the day has gone by and I have a good overview.

    At first I kept with the ideas given here but shortly theses started to annoy me a bit. These are good topics but very often I couldn’t put myself to write about it. So recently I have had some other ideas to write about: just daily stuff, random ideas. Same things I wrote about years ago when I started blogging.

    Visits to my blog have gone up which is fantastic – my previous readers are still with me and I might have couple of new ones. I am not aiming high, but it is good to know there are people who find me interesting enough to read what I think.

    I am already waiting the end of the year – not because I want Daily Post to end but because I’d like to see that cool graph WordPress sends out about your blog. 🙂


    1. I think that it’s a really good idea to know which time of day is best for your blogging. I discovered a while ago that I’m at my best when I first wake up and that I deteriorate throughout the day, so I try to dash from the bed to the computer and POST SOMETHING before my brain fades.

      And oh! Does WordPress send out a cool graph? Awesome! What’s it like?


  14. Il est vrai que cela s’avère ardu parfois. Mais heureusement, nous vivons une année pleine d’évènements, pour l’instant 😉


    1. The support goes both ways my lovely.

      And your support and encouragement has been priceless. Thank you.

      I love being part of your blogging buddies team. What a great group.

      Juls x


  15. It was interesting to start with but I quickly found I was waffling an answer just for the sake of posting something every day. Because my blog is dedicated to fiction writing I decided that I want every post to reflect that so I’m only going to do the postaday subjects I find most interesting, and those that can be easily twisted to reflect a fiction writing idea. So far, so good 🙂


  16. What a great idea. My blog’s concept (has to do being rejected once a day) has to be written once a day anyways, so it’s just more reinforcement and motivation to continue writing!


  17. I manage to post at least twice a week, which is more than I thought I could do. Also, I have more than one blog, so I end up writing something almost every day, just not on the same blog.
    I keep all your suggestions in a folder, so when I am out of ideas I can have a look in there. Thank you!


  18. I am really enjoying blogging everyday. The contest has helped me commit to something I have wanted to do consistently for a while. I have blog on my google calendar as a reminder to do it daily. I write when I have inspiration. However, I think about what I am going to write while exercising, driving, and at other times.


  19. Thank you WordPress for this Challenge, it really helps me to post more for my Readers! I have managed to post 50 Posts this month.. That’s more than 1 post a day. I’m loving every bit of this challenge.


  20. I haven’t missed a day yet, which has been really great at times and really tough at others. It’s really pushing me to find inspiration in every day life- I use your prompts every once in a while but I mostly try and come up with things myself! So far, so good 🙂


  21. I’m loving postaday! I love the focus it gives me and I love how it makes me really think about how I explain things. Its easier than I thought it would be to find things to blog about. I thought it would get more difficult as I ran out of ideas but actually the opposite seems to be true for me. The more I do the easier it geets. And I have posted every day since I joined the challenge on the 4th Janaury!
