Traffic Dos and Don’ts: A Checklist

One of the main reasons bloggers stop blogging is lack of traffic: at some point, they get tired of being the proverbial tree in the forest, making sounds nobody hears.

We’re here to help. No list of advice can guarantee your blog’s success, but it’s important to be aware of the most critical elements at play. Five dos, five don’ts: give them a try.


  1. Write regularly. Producing fresh content on a regular basis is essential. First, it makes your blog more appealing to search engines, which means new readers are more likely to find you. Just as important, it creates a sense of loyalty among the readers you already have, who know you won’t be stranding them for weeks at a time.
  2. Write well. What makes a post engaging, moving, or entertaining is clearly a matter of opinion. What’s not a matter of opinion? Correct spelling. Reasonable grammar. Sentences and paragraphs of manageable length. Go over your post, spellcheck, and edit — above all — for clarity. (A strong title never hurts, either.)
  3. Keep your blog easy on the eyes. While beauty is in the eye of the beholder, unattractive blogs are surprisingly easy to spot. Some minimal care can pay great dividends, even if you don’t have time to think of every possible detail. Choose a theme that suits your needs and your content. Make your homepage attractive with striking images or easy customizations, and make sure your content is easy to read.
  4. Use your existing network. As a beginning blogger, you should rely on friends and family to visit your blog and share your posts on their own social networks (use common sense to decide how often and how insistently you ask them). Keep them informed by publicizing your posts, and keep them interested by addressing, at least at first, topics you know they’ll enjoy.
  5. Create new networks. The blogging community is immense. The best way to find your own niche within it is through meaningful reciprocity. Follow and leave thoughtful comments on others’ blogs, and take the time to respond to feedback left on your own site. Use widgets to make it easy to follow and syndicate your own blog. Participate in events, or attend a blogging conference to make new friends and learn new tips.
Image by Justin Scott Campbell (CC BY-ND 2.0)

Image by Justin Scott Campbell (CC BY-ND 2.0)


  1. Don’t forget to tag. Unless you’re already a famous entity offline, readers won’t search specifically for your blog. That’s why smart tagging is so important: add a healthy mix of general and specific terms related to your post, and your potential audience will find you, either through search engines or on the Reader.
  2. Don’t spam. Community members and search engines alike are quite savvy in telling thoughtful content from fluff. One-word comments? A blog full of pingbacks and reblogs with very little original content? There is no surer method of pushing your audience away, even if your intentions are good.
  3. Don’t be afraid of the Publish button. The only post guaranteed to attract zero traffic is an unpublished one. Don’t worry too much about posts that ended up different from your initial vision. At worst, you can edit and update them later. At best, their shortcomings, if any, can be part of the conversation you start with your readers. Either way, what could you possibly lose?
  4. Don’t stop reading. Writing that exists in a vacuum will be less appealing to readers who don’t already know you. Whether it’s a new bestseller, other blogs and sites around the web, or the great content we feature daily on Discover, staying part of existing conversations keeps your content relevant, and will engage a wider audience than an entirely impenetrable musing.
  5. Don’t lose sight of why you blog. Even if you’re doing everything right, it might still take a while before your blog gains traction. It’s a good idea to remind yourself why you decided to start a blog to begin with. Whether it’s to express your opinions, record memories, or any other reason, you’re the most important member of your audience, and should enjoy the experience. Fun tends to be contagious: a writer who enjoys blogging regardless of traffic is, paradoxically, more likely to attract it.

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  1. shirleyford929

    Good article – plenty of food for thought. One thing I have just realised is that none – I repeat – NONE of my family or friends have a blog or are in the least bit interested in following my blog! What hope is there?

    Liked by 3 people

    • Ben Huberman

      Lots of hope yet! You should really try one of the community resources I mentioned at the very end of the post, or any other blogging events that overlap with your interests — you’re bound to find one with like-minded bloggers. That’s always a good place to start, and nothing stops you from branching out with time.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. khushnumab

    Thank you .. this is helpful for a first timer.

    Liked by 2 people


    Very thought provoking and inspiring! Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Smutler

    Awesome post. I’ve been writing blogs — off and on — WordPress since 2006. I have one other nowadays (that isn’t anonymous) that’s been up since March 2007. Persistency is key. Love WordPress and appreciate having this as a platform to write what it is that I have to say.


  5. Fred Childs

    Great tips. I am glad to hear what they are and that my blog is following those tips.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. cordeliasmom2012

    Simplistic, but good, advice. I’ve been doing all of the above and with each new post, I pick up a few new followers. In just a couple of months, I’ve already gotten myself past the “eff it all, no one’s reading me anyway” stage. Thank you, WordPress!

    Liked by 3 people

  7. readingbyeugene

    Great tips here! This is absolutely true: “The only post guaranteed to attract zero traffic is an unpublished one.”

    Liked by 3 people

  8. umanbn

    super, thanks some useful tips and you’re right that it should be enjoyable for the blogger and that fun is contagiuos, thank you! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Ron Scubadiver

    The Reader has been a godsend so far as producing traffic from within the WordPress community. When I first started nearly all traffic was generated from outside of WordPress via posts on various photography sites. Now WordPress bloggers are my main audience. I feel that adding something similar to the groups on Flickr would be an enhancement. Another possibility would be WP sponsored or promoted categories. Right now the photography category is flooded with a post having a half life of under an hour. What should be popular categories of photography like landscapes or portraits get little traffic. My .02 thank you.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. nrhatch

    YES! You nailed it with these 10 points.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. americaninamsterdam

    Thank you for this useful list. I’ve been reluctant to blog for fear no one would be interested in what I have to say, but your simple list is very inspiring. Think I’ll give it a go. Thanks again!

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Andrea Britton

    Great honest advice! Reaching out to people for your own blog is hard for a freelancer, as I tend to spend most of my time doing this for clients! Thanks for sharing and have a great day!

    Liked by 2 people

  13. The Posh Blog

    Helpful reminders and motivation. Thank you.

    Liked by 2 people

  14. susielindau

    This is so amazing! I have been blogging here for 2 and 1/2 years and didn’t know much about syndicated views. I just took a look at the magnifying glass icon and discovered I have been getting lots of extra views!

    Liked by 2 people

  15. seweverythingblog

    Thanks for this post! As the author of a 6 month old blog, I have to keep reminding myself that it’s still only a “baby”, and that I have to keep crunching on. Thanks also for the reminder about reminding to periodically assess why I write the blog in the first place.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. California Kid

    Thanks for the easy-to-do Dos and Dont’s. Making a beautiful noise in the blogosphere and using all the right resources and tools available at WordPress makes blogging fun and rewarding.

    Liked by 2 people

  17. Sally

    To The Great Folks at WP … thank you so much for continuing to offer tips, techniques and explanations that help us become better bloggers. There’s so much to learn when we first start that it can be overwhelming. And if we’d been doing it for awhile we sometimes forget there are still new things to learn. You’re advice helps us all.

    Liked by 2 people

  18. seweverythingblog

    Of course, I did not follow your advice. I hit “Submit Comment” before editing. The last sentence in my comment should read as follows:
    Thanks, also, for the reminder to periodically assess why I write this blog in the first place.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. henrywriting1981

    It would be nice if WordPress actually reported followers and traffic in the first place. I get complements on my blog all day but my stats show virtually nothing. I don’t take it personally, only geeks take things personally.

    Liked by 2 people

  20. rescloset22

    I enjoyed reading this article, considering my blog doesn’t have as much of a standing. In terms of the ‘Do’s’ I haven’t been blogging consistently so my two main blog followers have probably forgotten me in the wind *sniff*, but it’s helpful because it really gives good ideas on how to upkeep and create a tasteful, enjoyable, and popular blog. The Do’s and Don’ts are basic and easy: nothing too complicated for the average person *points to self* to implement on their own.

    Liked by 2 people

  21. sweetpea2love

    Great tips for the new and seasoned blogger. Thank you for posting.

    Liked by 2 people

  22. lupitatucker

    I would like to add one more tip: use images (preferrably your own) in your posts. It will draw readers and make your writing more inviting. This is especially helpful if your image is relevant to the tags on your post.

    Liked by 2 people

  23. rawblunt

    Thanks for these tips… They sure go a long way for new bloggers like me.

    Liked by 2 people

  24. anthonyandcam

    Thanks for that. I just started blogging and can’t wait to see my process unfold.

    Liked by 2 people

  25. gongshow22

    Thanks for this piece. Great advice!

    Liked by 2 people

  26. aminaa1

    Was pleased to see I’m doing/don’t-ing most of the above. I blog at least once weekly and receive an average of 200 view on a blog day, and 50 views inbetween. Have had 7000 views since August 2013. Going well 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  27. dalecooper57

    Absolutely excellent advice, all of it. And I’m happy to report that I follow almost all of it to one degree or another.

    Except the “theme” thing.

    The very nature of my blog is eclecticism, writing about whatever comes to mind, literally.
    I do have stands that run through the blog, like my Picture this… photo-blogs.
    Having straw polled my readers however, they seem to like the idea of not knowing what they’re going to get next (and that includes the other blogs I write occasional guest spots for, they don’t get any more of an advanced warning of what I’m going to write than I get of what’s going to pop into my head) but I do get frustrated with lack of traffic.
    It won’t stop me though.
    I’ve only discovered a love of, and (what people tell me is) a talent for writing in the last year or so and I’m enjoying it so much I’m prepared to play the long game, so to speak.

    Oh, and I don’t really do “one word comments” so I’m alright in that regard.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ben Huberman

      I agree completely that bloggers don’t have to attach themselves to one topic to maintain a healthy readership, though it’s a good option for some. By ‘choosing a theme’ I meant the blog’s layout — the theme that dictates the visual aspect and features of your blog. There, it’s a good idea to give a little thought to how your content suits the site’s look.

      Liked by 2 people

  28. Arlene Poma

    So helpful! I’m making a copy of this so I can remind myself why I’m writing in my blog. I started my blog in 2011, then took a couple of years off to try content writing. I hated it! So I’m back to writing in my blog. It is a pleasure to write and take photographs just for me. I read and comment on other blogs. I find that relaxing. I am retired. I spent most of my life working jobs to pay bills–doing things I absolutely hated or being around people that I couldn’t stand. For once, I’m going to do something where the focus is on doing something that I want to do. Without feeling that I need to get paid for it. It’s all about the blog. As long as it brings me joy in my retirement, I’ll do it!

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Alan King

    I started blogging four years ago because I had something to say and was hoping to connect with readers and other bloggers. That was one of the many reasons why I started my blog. Another was because I was recently laid off, then, as a staff writer for a Baltimore newspaper. I enjoy writing and had to keep my chops up while I was unemployed; hence, the blog.

    After four years, the thing that sustains my interest is not the traffic (though I do publicize and attract a modest amount of readers) but that it’s fun, which this post suggested. I’ve also learned new skills such as using Web Analytics to gauge what types of posts my readers enjoy and diversifying my topics to attract new readers with different taste.

    Thanks for this post! It’s great to see mg common practices affirmed.

    Liked by 2 people

  30. L.B. Writes

    Great points – I think writing regularly is where I tend to stumble the most. Both with my new blog here, and my personal blog, sometimes the only content is things I come up with and then say “who’s gonna give a hoot about that.” Sometimes you just need to take a deep breath and go.

    Liked by 2 people

  31. rlogan1155

    Great advice. I agree with all your points and the comment by lupitatucker about including images. I enjoy photos, makes me sound like a first grader, but pictures make for a more interesting read.
    I’m happy with my traffic but I’m thrilled with every new follower I get and I love to see the growth of my numbers every month even though I write because I enjoy it.
    Ruth from At Home on the Road

    Liked by 2 people

  32. alejna

    This looks like very helpful advice for a more satisfying blogging experience, whether or not the goal is to attract more traffic. I’ve been blogging for years, and it doesn’t hurt to get a reminder of what makes for quality posts.

    Liked by 2 people

  33. bluepagespecial

    Thanks for the tips. They’re good reminders, because it does, indeed, seem lonely out here.

    Liked by 2 people

  34. thetarotman

    My blog is more than one year old, but this advice shall serve me well. Thank you so much.

    Liked by 2 people

  35. Sylvia Ismail

    Very helpful piece – just what I need after only a month as a blogger, still finding my way round this new (to me) form of communication! I agree with the comment that images are really effective: people tend to pick up on the photos immediately. What I can’t decide is how long the ideal post should be – keep it short, to one screen with no scrolling, or let it go on longer so I cover the subject in more depth. I’m trying alternating, so see how this works. For sure, though, it’s a great way to reach out to people all over the world.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ben Huberman

      There really isn’t an ‘ideal’ post length — it varies dramatically depending on your style and the topics you address on your blog. The great advantage of a blog is its versatility; some people use it for some very long pieces, using features specifically designed to make longform writing possible.


  36. applebananaboy2

    I really enjoyed these helpful hints, I am new to blogging and I am trying to get a handle on it and not find myself discouraged because I don’t have many followers 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  37. parrillaturi

    Great advice. Better get on the ball, and blog more often. I’ve been told to post on FB, but I only get one or two comments. No interest. What is your take on this? Thank you. Blessings.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ben Huberman

      It’s a good idea to promote posts on social media. Even if you don’t get as many comments as you’d like at first, having people actually visit your blog by clicking on a Facebook link is already gaining traffic you might not have otherwise.


  38. Randee

    I loved this article! And thank you for mentioning pingbacks. For some reason, those are so annoying to me.

    Liked by 2 people

  39. tyviner

    I’m always afraid of the ‘meaningful content’ line when it comes to comments. Half the time I assume that they’ve already heard everything I want to say. Though, as a new blogger I guess it comes down to the idea that I love getting comments and it doesn’t matter what they say as long as they’re not spam. So I guess some of it comes down to “Share the Love”

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ben Huberman

      > I assume that they’ve already heard everything I want to say

      I think you’ll be really surprised — as you say, people are really eager for interaction that goes beyond the quick compliment.


  40. InsatiableDR

    Love this post. As a new blogger I know it goes thru my mind if someone actually care about wht i´m writing about… but i love the feeling of new views added to my analytics. its what keeps me going

    Liked by 2 people

  41. wendykodhiambo2013

    Just started my blog today. This was really helpful.

    Liked by 2 people

  42. alan1018

    As my blog is only a few days old this article was timely. I plan to print these tips out and keep them handy. Thanks for some really good advice!

    Liked by 2 people

  43. 86gauri

    Great tips.. especially for a newbie blogger like me . I guess it’s very easy to get bogged down and discouraged by lack of traffic to your blog . Consistency ,quality and a love for writing is the key .

    Liked by 2 people

  44. andreabadgley

    “4. Don’t stop reading… staying part of existing conversations keeps your content relevant, and will engage a wider audience than an entirely impenetrable musing.” That’s my favorite one. It’s easy to get stuck inside our own heads, or write about how hard it is to write, or keep running on our own little mental hamster wheel if we don’t step outside ourselves and see what’s going on around us. Wonderful tips here. Thank you.

    Liked by 2 people

  45. silverbells2012

    Well, I think I am doing okay in terms of the rules but I think my readership is very small… At least, I get hardly any likes or comments – but I do enjoy writing so won’t be stopping 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ben Huberman

      That’s the spirit!

      Food for thought: one way to encourage more interaction is by ending some posts with a question, or some other way that invites your readers to respond directly to the post (an occasional poll, maybe?).

      Liked by 1 person

      • katywaltersreviews

        I think it’s all about believing in what you write about. Does it touch you? Does it drive you. Are you reaching out from your heart, Are you sharing or are you trying to get people to react?

        Liked by 1 person

      • silverbells2012

        I have tried both of those. My regular readers do take part but a lot of my readers appear to be anonymous. I think that the large number in non-English speaking countries might be inhibited by their English, for example.

        Liked by 1 person

  46. cwoolnoughwriting

    This is so true, I’ve really been lacking the motivation to blog recently since I don’t get as many responses as I would like. Great advice 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


    Thanks for these extremely helpful blogging tips, Ben!

    Liked by 2 people

  48. errandsarkansas

    Thank you for the tips. I always need encouragement to write my blog. I think the tip about not spamming is really good. I might have done that hoping to keep my name on peoples computers, but now I know this isn’t what I need to be doing.

    Liked by 1 person

  49. Kaye Munroe

    Another tip is to stay on topic. Usually, a blogger stars with a specific area of interest and attracts like-minded readers. If you want to start blogging about a different subject, it’s probably best to start another blog. That way, you don’t alienate the readership you’ve built over time by focusing on topics they have no interest in.

    Liked by 2 people

  50. mollyeleen

    Some great tips I needed to hear (I mean read). Thanks!

    Liked by 2 people

  51. sandy45d2013

    Great list of helpful hints. I know one thing, if I don’t make a habit of daily blogging – I slip away from it and eventually I miss more and more days; then my attitude drops. Thanks for the post.

    Liked by 1 person

  52. peregrinacultural

    I have been blogging for 5 years [have just reached 6.000.000 visits]. I believe that’s a healthy number of readers. Your words of advice hit the spot. I would give emphasis to blogging everyday. It almost does not matter what you say, but that your readers will know you have been there… and are thinking of your blog. If you take it seriously, they will take it seriously. Another thing: in the beginning I would consult the words in the search engines that brought people to the blog. When the same words started showing up, and IF — BIG IF — it was something I could encompass in the blog I would. It worked for me.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ben Huberman

      Thanks for chiming in, peregrinecultural — your perseverance and success are really an inspiration to us all!


  53. Brad Dalton

    I think you missed the most important point.

    Write unique content based on your own personal authentic experience.

    People get sick of the same topics being written about over and over again.

    Its very typical of guest authors and freelance writers to use Google to find ideas to write about when really they’re basing the post on someone else’s experience.

    Another big problem is people writing based on a focus keyword.

    I would suggest you write based on the needs, challenges, frustrations and goals of people in your niche and people who read your blog.

    What you’ll find gets you noticed in your niche is unique content and unique ways to solve a problem, not the same old ideas found on one of your keyword competitors sites.


    • Ben Huberman

      Thanks for the words of wisdom. I think most would agree that writing from your own perspective, and based on your own experiences and knowledge, will always produce more engaging content than anything second-hand.


  54. fionakernaghan

    Thank you for this! Very helpful as a fledgling blogger:)

    Liked by 2 people

  55. Renee Lewis

    This is very helpful. I just posted my first blog today and it’s a little nerve wracking. I will definitely keep this as a guideline 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  56. kelseycanbake

    Thanks for the tips!! I have had my blog less than a year and am slowly gaining traffic… I may force my friends and family to read it…every time I have a new post. Hehe.

    Liked by 2 people

  57. speeddemon2

    Very good advice. I have been trying to follow this path and when I stay on it good things happen.

    Liked by 2 people

  58. wllw

    Great tips. I’m constantly on the lookout for good blogging tips!

    Liked by 2 people

  59. rkutchjm

    Excellent Ben. Up to 500 and trying to find “higher ground”. Appreciate you taking to the time to go over the pertinent points. Thank you much.

    Liked by 2 people

  60. Little Shop of Goodness

    Thank you for this article. Good information and since I am new to blogging, I will be sure to follow it!

    Liked by 2 people

  61. readingsocially

    Thank you for the post! Been unerestiimating the power of tagging. Will definitely start doing so! Thanks.

    Liked by 2 people

  62. deepu1786

    Really good and informative. Many a times we go thru this phase. Especially for starters. And there will be million reasons u can stop blogging. But once u get over that moment it will be a whole new world that comes before. Once again thumbs up for the article.

    Liked by 1 person

  63. limtito15

    This might not please you but being first-timer in blogging business I’m sorry but I need to express this out. Humiliating but I simply don’t know yet how to tag. lol. Another thing is, I am not very good in English. But, why do I, in the first place, want to get involved? Because I want to learn. In a little while, I will be right in the process. First, I will go to either the Forums or Support for me to study how to tag. Then, I will continue reading and writing, of course, for me to enhance my English. Thank you for your post; I will do what you have said.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ben Huberman

      It’s not humiliating at all — everyone has to start somewhere. If you’re looking for information on tagging, you can start here. Best of luck with your new blog!


  64. Olivia

    I’m agreeing with your points above, especially no 5 of the Dont’s. I think you have to write your blog primarily for yourself, not just be a ‘slave to traffic’ and focus everything in that direction. If people read what you write, be flattered, but you won’t always hit the spot.

    Liked by 2 people

  65. Su

    Love your tips. I’m new to WordPress, I found that after joining the Photo Challenge, I begin to get some comments and likes, and I was very excited to get some response from the blogging community. Checking out who likes some of my stuff and reading other people’s work gives me some more inspiration what I can do.

    Liked by 2 people

  66. CharlieandSam'sOddLife

    Awesome advice, I’m a new blogger(only started 3 days ago) and this gave me some tips to help my blog get noticed.

    Liked by 2 people

  67. bharath1441

    Wow! Amazing list of points. What resonated with me is the last don’t – Don’t lose sight of why you blog. Fun tends to be contagious: a writer who enjoys blogging regardless of traffic is, paradoxically, more likely to attract it.

    As someone who just started blogging 2 months back, my initial goal is to just keep getting to month six before I think about anything else. Till then my goals are to make me blogging behavior my second nature and keep putting great content out there. Having huge to do list never get things done. Little bets are the way to level up and push forward.

    Liked by 1 person

  68. 'CC' Richards

    Thanks for giving us a guiding hand. I’m learning so much in this community of writers, photographers and readers. My journey here has taken me in unexpected directions.

    Liked by 1 person

  69. mikel27a

    This made my afternoon. I started two weeks ago my web base novel and the main struggle is getting people, other than friends and family, to follow me and actually read and create a nice trend of statistics. Thanks for this post

    Liked by 1 person

  70. gpcox

    I was a total novice and computer illiterate when I started my site a year ago. I found you get out of it as much of an effort you put into it. I have over 1,200 Follows.

    Liked by 1 person

  71. Sun

    Thanks, this is a great list both for beginners and long time bloggers. Under Don’ts, #2 Don’t Spam – how does one deal with blogs full of pingbacks and/or reblogs? Throw it in trash or spam? Lately, many weekly photo challenge posts come full of pingbacks – I believe with good intentions.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ben Huberman

      As a general rule, if the pingback is well-intentioned but you just don’t want it on your post, trash it. If it looks like spam and the site that generated it looks suspicious (for example, no original content), you can report as spam.


  72. yellowmumblog

    Thank you for posting this, lots of really helpful tips. I’ve never written a blog before and have jumped in feet first.

    Liked by 1 person

  73. bsl2

    This is very inspiring! I am in a Public Relations class right now and we have to blog each week and reading this makes me want to continue to blog after the class. I think it is a great way to enjoy the experience and keep up with the latest trends.

    Liked by 1 person

  74. Intricit Thoughts

    Great Points! 4 and 5 on the Do’s standout to me because you’re existing network is your foundation and you’re building your new network from there. Without prior friends, new connections are more difficult acquire due to the lack of networking. A big don’t I focus on is to not forget to tag. Tagging broadens your audience and without it, your messages are less visible to the general public.

    Liked by 1 person

  75. mommasachs

    Great article! I’m keeping this one saved for when I feel like I’m in that forest you mentioned!

    Liked by 1 person

  76. J Lang

    Thanks for this – I’m relatively new to the blogging world – I already do some of the ‘dos’ you mention, and you have great advice overall – always more to learn 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  77. haruharu7070

    It’s very helpful tips about blogging. After reading, I also would like to start my own blog. However for my laziness, I always read someone’s blog. So through your blogger’s tips, I should try to remember the way I can be a helpful blogger. Thank you for tips~

    Liked by 1 person

  78. R Cawkwell

    I’ve been blogging for just over two years and this advice is a useful reminder of the ‘do’s and don’t’s’ of blogging. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  79. tiffanyteoh

    It is all very simple but easy to forget. Even today’s famous bloggers started out with 0. The difference is they don’t give up.

    Liked by 1 person

  80. Bud

    Great article that I just tweeted and recommended to a friend. The value of comments left by others can’t be over stated.

    Liked by 1 person

  81. Lasse

    Great tips! Even though my blog is mainly created for self reflection, it’s always fun to see that it’s actually visited from time to time! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  82. Paul

    Great advice – my two active blogs get a good following because I keep the content quite narrow.

    Liked by 1 person

  83. Book Club Mom

    This is good, solid advice. I am following some of it but I still have a lot to learn! I am setting monthly goals for an increase in number of views. I think that helps. Still feeling a little chicken about clogging up my friends’ news feeds and email accounts, though…

    Liked by 1 person

  84. reecesmith568

    That is very good, I am just starting out and I have found these very helpful. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  85. katsoup78

    This is a very helpful article to new bloggers! Thank you for the insight.

    Liked by 1 person

  86. Jessica

    Your last line is going to stick with me for a long time! Sometimes with the work I do to promote my blog via social media, I lose track of why I started my blog in the first place, and I then view this as “work”. I can totally see now that if I find ways to make writing fun, then that enthusiasm will show through and will possibly attract more people to my blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  87. benderedondat

    Thanks for these tips. I’m still learning a lot of the terminology but it’s coming. And like Book Club Mom up there, I too am somewhat reluctant to just keep putting my stuff on Facebook, especially when the response is somewhat tepid, you know. But I’ll keep it up and mix it up, try to at least. I’m thinking about a music upgrade. Anyway, thanks much again.

    Liked by 1 person

  88. Cristi Ray

    Thank you for posting this!! I am a new to blogging, and as I was worrying that I could attract attention, as I have no real traffic. This post makes me realise what the saying “rome wasn’t build overnight” is truly about. For me blogging is like a scrapbook full of my memories, favourite things, opinions and just plainly the inner me. Please, post more on blogging tips. They are very useful.

    Liked by 1 person

  89. klcccondos

    Hear, hear. I’m still not good at traffic generation, but as they say, write good content, and they will come. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  90. ThisOrganizedLife

    Awesome Advice. I have tried multiple times to start a blog. I will refer back to this checklist when I begin to think “what am I doing wrong?”

    Liked by 1 person

  91. Godivaatl

    Reassuring for sure considering I’m just one little blog in this sea of bloggers! Thanks for the great advice!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  92. reymusick

    Great post! I especially agree with the part of having fun, and that fun will follow! It seems happiness and fun attract more of it, thankfully! I hope to continue to blog for a while, especially since I am enjoying it. I seem to like the interactions the most and hearing what others have to say on a topic or post of mine. Hearing (reading!) new stories is always a positive and learning experience!

    Liked by 1 person

  93. Anurag Rathod

    I read it somewhere that adding tags to your blog post can not help you in SEO. So, never thoughts of adding relevant tags to my posts ever.
    But as you mentioned here, I think I should start adding tags to all posts.

    Is it good, if I add tags to some old posts now or edit some of the tags or add more tags to any post? Will it help people find my blog on search engine?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ben Huberman

      Tagging after-the-fact can be helpful, though each search engine has its own method of indexing content and it’s impossible to say for sure how it will affect your visibility. Tagging — at any point — will definitely help make your material easier to find on, though, as people who do a topic search would be able to find your blog and view your posts on their Reader.


  94. jessicagraceflowers

    I’m very new to blogging so this is extremely helpful! Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  95. marcuscanon

    Words of wisdom indeed. I am notoriously bad at posting regularly. Part of this is circumstantial and down to recurring problems with depression and low self-esteem. It was actually encouraging to hear that I am not the only tree in the forest and that lots of you feel like you’re blogging to yourselves!

    Liked by 1 person

  96. alainafae

    Thanks for taking the time to post this advice 🙂 Many of those points are things that I think a lot of people can intuitively understand when experiencing someone ELSE’s blog but fail to apply them to their own blog’s success strategy.

    It can feel like a bit of a risk of the comfortable internet ‘anonymity’ when asking your own personal network of friends and family to view and discuss your blog. “REAL” people giving me feedback?? Can be a bit intimidating for some new writers, myself included.

    Liked by 1 person

  97. girgir81

    Great article! Loved it especially being a new blogger not knowing where to start. My favorite was Don’t # 5! It really puts everything into perspective. Thank you for these amazing tips. Keep them coming if you can 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  98. ckfus

    Thank you for these tips. I appreciate the coaching and insight you give to the blogging community!

    Liked by 1 person

  99. Art, Horses, Healing (@greyhorsewisdom)

    Good stuff, Ben! It may be enough inspiration to get me back to my blog that I’ve ignored for over a year!

    Liked by 1 person

  100. Khrellian

    Thank you for these helpful tips! Surely these tips would help me to gain more traffic from sites and blogs. As a newbie, I would surely recommend this post as well. Good Job! Thank You! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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