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Comments Block

Use the Comments block to display a comments section on your site, encouraging discussions and feedback from your readers. This guide will show you how to use this block when creating your website.

Add the Comments Block

The Comments block should already exist in your template. You may wish to add the block if creating your own template or if you accidentally removed the block from a template.

  1. Visit your dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Appearance → Editor to open the Site Editor.
  3. Click Templates and select the template you wish to edit.
    • Alternatively, click the + icon to add a new template.
  4. Click on the + Block Inserter icon and search for “comments”. Then, click it to add the block to the template.


Using your keyboard, you can also type /comments on a new line and press enter to quickly add a new Comments block.

A GIF demonstration showing how to add the Comments block to a post or page using the slash block inserter.
Adding a Comments block with the slash inserter

For more information, visit our detailed instructions on adding blocks.

Elements of the Comments Block

The Comments block contains several sub-blocks to control how your comments are displayed.

The following blocks are automatically nested within the Comments block when you first add it to a post, page, or template:

Using List View, you can see the current structure of the blocks inside of the Comments block. To view the list of blocks, select List View at the top left of your screen. The icon looks like three horizontal lines above each other:

Opening up List View to see all the other blocks nested within the Comments block.

Below, you can read descriptions of each block.

Comments Title Block

The Comments Title block displays a title with the number of comments. The text is automatically pulled from the title of the post or page that the comments block is displayed on. In the block settings on the right, you will find the following settings:

Show post title: Toggle this button to show or hide the post or page title within the Comments block.

Show comments count: Toggle this button to show or remove the total number of comments added to the post or page.

The Comments Title block settings in the right sidebar.

Comment Template Block

The Comment Template block contains the block elements used to display a comment: the title, date, author name, avatar, content, and reply link. Using List View, you can view each of these elements and move or remove any element as desired.

Comments Pagination Block

The Comments Pagination block displays an option to navigate to the next or previous set of comments when applicable. In the block settings on the right, you will find the following settings:

Justification: Change the positioning of the block items.

Orientation: Set the block items to position horizontally or vertically.

Allow to wrap to multiple lines: This option will move the block items to the next line when there isn’t enough space on a mobile device (recommended). When this setting is turned off, all the block items will stay on the same line, which could make the text too small to read and/or navigate on mobile.

Arrow: This setting allows you to select the navigation style for comments sections with multiple pages. Here’s an example with the Chevron option selected:

The Comments Pagination block settings in the right sidebar.

Comments Form Block

The Comments Form block displays a form into which your readers can type and submit their comments on your site. This works for posts, pages, portfolios, testimonials, and any other type of content.

Block Toolbar

When you click on the parent Comments block, a toolbar of options will appear above it:

The Comments block toolbar options.

The Comments block has the following options in its toolbar:

Block Settings

When you select a block, you will find additional block settings in the right sidebar. If you do not see the sidebar, you may need to click the Settings icon in the top-right corner to bring up the settings. This icon looks like a square with two uneven columns:

The settings icon in the Editor with a tooltip "Settings" below it.
Click the Settings icon to open the block settings


For more, visit our detailed instructions on Advanced settings.

Block Styles

In the block settings sidebar, click on the Styles icon to access the design settings for the block. The Styles icon is in the shape of a circle with half of the circle filled in:

An arrow points to the Styles icon that you can click to open up the block styles section.

The Block Styles include the following settings. Many of these settings can be customized for each individual element of the Comments block:

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