Back to Support Design Your Site Themes Premium Themes

Premium Themes

The collection of beautiful and amazing themes continues to grow with the addition of Premium Themes, featuring intricate designs, exciting options for customization, and dedicated support.

This feature is available on sites with our Starter, Explorer, Creator, and Entrepreneur plans, and the legacy Pro plan. For sites on the free plan, upgrade your plan to access this feature.

Find a Premium Theme

To find the available premium themes:

  1. Visit your dashboard.
  2. Navigate to AppearanceThemes.
  3. Next to the search box, click the “View all” filter.
  4. Select “Included with Starter” or “Included with Explorer” to view only themes included with the Starter or Explorer plans:
An arrow points to the View dropdown, which has been clicked to reveal options to view themes included with Starter and with Explorer.

Edit a Premium Theme

Each theme has its own information and setup guide. To view this, go to Appearance → Themes. At the top of this screen, you’ll see the name of your active theme, plus links to the Info page and the customization area:

Active premium theme with the menu showing Edit, Live demo, and Info options.
The active theme on the site, with links to the Edit, Live Demo, and Info pages.

Premium Theme Support

If you have a paid plan, you can contact us for help with your theme.

Premium Themes available on cannot be transferred to self-hosted WordPress sites.

Sometimes, we may decide to retire a Premium theme because it’s outdated from a visual or functionality standpoint. If that happens, you can continue to use the theme for as long as you like, but if you switch to another theme, you can’t change back. We’re always happy to help you find a newer and better theme for your site.

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