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Get Fast, Helpful WordPress Support

Try our AI-powered assistant, known as Wapuu, for instant answers to all types of questions you may have about This guide will show you how to interact with Wapuu for fast, helpful support.

About Wapuu

Wapuu isn’t your typical bot! Our AI-powered assistant uses a vast library of WordPress-related information to intelligently answer any type of question you may have as you use

The Wapuu chat bot, with a text box to ask a question.

Wapuu is ideal for answering straightforward questions you have about your website. Artificial Intelligence won’t replace the professional, human support we’ve always provided to our customers. Instead, we provide AI support as an additional tool to provide you with faster guidance than it would take for a human reply.

In fact, the very same Happiness Engineers who provide personal support are working to optimize our AI answers too.

Where to Contact Support

To get help from our AI assistant:

  1. Open the Help Center by clicking on the question mark icon, which you’ll find in the following places:
    • The upper right corner of your site’s dashboard.
    • The upper right corner of the WordPress editor.
    • The lower left corner of the Sites page.
  2. Click the “Still need help?” option at the bottom of the Help Center.
  3. Using the tips in the next section of this guide, type your question or issue in the box provided.
  4. After a few seconds, our system will provide a reply to your question and helpful links to follow.
  5. Use the thumbs-up and thumbs-down button to rate the answer provided.

If the answer isn’t helpful enough, try rephrasing your question using the tips in the next section. 

We know that AI isn’t perfect, so feel free to proceed to human support when you need to. We don’t provide AI to replace human support, only to help provide you with a quick answer in an automated way, leaving our staff of Happiness Engineers to resolve the more complex requests.

How To Talk To AI Support

Before reaching human support, here are some tips on how AI can help you get the answers you need faster than spending time waiting for a Happiness Engineer.

Be Specific

Like with any AI tool, vague questions will result in vague answers. To ensure Wapuu can craft a solution to your issue, provide a detailed description of the issue or question you have, including what went wrong and what you expected to happen instead.

For example:

Use Familiar Words

Wapuu is trained on the existing interface. Therefore, it recognizes the same words that you already see on your screen.

For example, if you use the word “app”, Wapuu may not recognize that you are asking about a plugin. If you use the word “teaser”, it may not realize you’re asking about excerpts.

One Question at a Time

Just like us humans, Wapuu can’t multi-task well. If you have several questions you want to ask, submit just one and give Wapuu the space to share its answer. Once you’ve received your answer, proceed with your next question.

Share Exact Error Messages

If you received an error on your site that you need help with, copy and paste the exact text of that error message to share with Wapuu. Wapuu has likely seen the error message before and knows the solution.

Further reading: AI Guidelines

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