WordPress Shared vs. Dedicated Hosting

If you’re evaluating WordPress hosting options, it’s common to explore the difference between shared vs. dedicated hosting. After all, the majority of site visits are abandoned if a mobile page takes longer than three seconds to load, according to data from Google. Opting for the wrong hosting option for your business might result in your site responding too slowly.

While cost is one significant difference between shared and dedicated hosting, it’s not the only factor to consider. Traffic, security needs, and customization options should also shape your hosting decision.

What is shared WordPress hosting?

Shared hosting is a term applied to a website that is hosted on shared server resources. This occurs when multiple websites share a server’s bandwidth, disk space, and memory. This is a more affordable approach to WordPress hosting for bloggers and businesses that experience low or moderate monthly site traffic.

The pros of shared hosting include:

  • Lower costs.
  • Ease of installation.
  • Simple maintenance.

The cons of shared hosting include:

  • Unsuitable for heavily trafficked sites.
  • May not accommodate spikes in traffic.
  • Limited customization options.

What is dedicated WordPress hosting?

Dedicated hosting describes a WordPress website that is hosted on a dedicated server maintained by the business or a third-party host. Resources like bandwidth and memory are not shared with other websites. While this approach is sometimes more expensive than shared hosting, it can provide better performances for high-traffic websites.

The pros of dedicated hosting include:

  • Optimal performance.
  • Customizability.
  • Enhanced security.

The cons of dedicated hosting include:

  • Higher costs.
  • May require advanced configuration.

Which WordPress hosting option is right for you?

If your small business sees lower monthly site traffic (a few thousand visitors or less), then shared website hosting can save you a lot of money. Shared hosting might also be the right choice if you don’t need to configure your server settings, or your business doesn’t experience spikes in traffic.

If your WordPress website receives thousands of visitors every month or experiences seasonal traffic spikes, dedicated hosting is a better option. Dedicated servers allow businesses with tech-savvy staff or hosting partners to configure settings, install apps and services, and maintain greater information security.

Alternatively, if you’re unsure whether shared vs. dedicated hosting is right for your business, you may need expert assistance from a specialist. Here are three web hosting services that WordPress recommends using. Or you can just explore starting a WordPress.com website — a robust network of servers spread around the world guarantees that your site will always perform optimally regardless of traffic.


Jasmine Henry

Jasmine is a freelance technology writer, with interests in UX, mobile optimization, and web design trends. She's also a Project Management Professional with an academic background in Informatics and Analytics.

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