Features to Include When Building Websites for Clubs

Websites for clubs are nothing new. But with the right features, a well-made website for school or community groups can serve as a portal that hosts upcoming event information, membership details, a directory, and more.

To use your website to build buzz for your organization, here are some great WordPress.com features that can serve your existing and prospective club members.

1. Events calendar

Does your business association host a monthly networking event? Perhaps your bowling league holds an annual celebration at a local bar. Allow members to check for upcoming events at a glance by creating and embedding a Google calendar into a dedicated “Events” page. Alternatively, you can also add it to your sidebar for easy access using the HTML widget.

2. RSVP to events

Contact forms are more than just a way for people to get in touch with you. Use them to let people RSVP to your events and meetings. Customize them with the information you’ll need from attendees, such as their names, contact information, and whether they’re new or current members of your club or organization.

To more easily identify contact form emails, you can designate the email address that notifications are sent to, as well as the subject line. For example, when someone fills out your form, you can have the subject line automatically fill in as “RSVP for Monthly Networking Meeting.” If you have a recurring meeting, you can even include the option to choose from a drop-down menu of dates.

3. Membership

Potential members need to know how they can join your organization. A “Membership” page can help them get a better idea of the benefits that come from joining your group, how much dues are, and how to apply. Within your “Membership” page, remember to include a customized contact form that serves as an application.

You can even feature a call-to-action button with wording such as “Become a member” or “Join today!” in your footer or sidebar so that they’re easily accessed from any page of your website.

4. Leadership

Organizations can often seem cold and faceless, which is why websites for clubs need to feature a page that identifies its officers. Whether they’re paid or volunteer, make sure to include photos and a short bio of everyone in a leadership position; you can simply display them on a page or use a theme with a grid layout.

5. Directory

If you manage a business or professional organization, it’s likely that your members will want to be included in a directory. In some cases, the directory might include contact information that’s only accessible to current members. For example, if you are in charge of a networking or alumni association, members might want a way to connect with others. In this case, you can password protect this content so that only current members have access to it, and not the general public.

Put your best foot forward with professional tools

With these powerful, convenient WordPress.com features, you’ll create a professional club website that not only serves its members, but generates excitement for your organization.


Bev Feldman

Bev Feldman is a Boston-based jewelry designer, blogger, and freelance writer specializing in eCommerce, blogging, small business, and parenting. She's passionate about eco-friendly living, which you can read about in her personal blog, bevgoesgreen.com.

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