Build Employee Advocacy Using Your Website

Getting someone to read your company’s content is hard enough, let alone share it with their own social networks. So, how do you get others to promote your brand, build up your reputation, and attract the right talent to work for you?

Employee advocacy can provide the social proof that you need to extend your reach and boost company morale.

What is employee advocacy?

Employee advocacy describes the way in which employees promote their companies online. Examples include posting about a memorable moment that occurred in the workplace, sharing a post from their company’s blog, or even acting as a brand ambassador.

What employee advocacy means for your company

A business’s social media marketing efforts can only go so far. According to PostBeyond, 15 percent of adults reported trusting social media posts from companies. Compare that to the 70 percent of adults who reported trusting posts from their families and friends. Every one of your employees has their own social networks, and their posts and opinions will carry more weight than any single business’s social media accounts. By implementing an employee advocacy program, you can turn your team into effective brand representatives.

Whenever your employees post positive things about your company online, potential customers and prospective applicants take note. In turn, your business will benefit from the increased exposure and goodwill.

Use your website to hire and encourage employee advocates

In addition to housing your “About” page and contact info, your website can also be used to attract quality applicants and turn them into employee advocates.

Share your company goals, vision, and culture

Your website is instrumental to your hiring process. By creating a site that clearly conveys your core values, you are more likely to appeal to job seekers who share those values and fit in with your company culture. Photos and videos are great ways to captivate applicants and show the world what working for your company is like. Testimonials from employees are valuable as well.

Make it easy to apply

Once someone decides to apply for a position at your company, offer them a convenient way to get in touch. Consider kicking off your working relationship with a contact form.

If you need to process a lot of applications, try embedding a Google Form or, if you have a Business website, using a plugin like WuFoo to help filter through their qualifications more efficiently.


If you receive fewer applicants,’s built-in contact forms can help you gather enough information to follow up or request a resume.


Recognize and empower your employees

After you’ve made the right hires and they start contributing to your company’s mission, one of the best ways to share their accomplishments is through blog posts. Instead of sending out a company-wide email describing an employee achievement, you could celebrate it publicly or on a network like LinkedIn. Employees value businesses that publicly recognize their hard work, and are more likely to share that public-facing content with their families and friends.

Your website supports your business and employees

Use a website to share your company culture, attract prospective employees, and express how much you appreciate the team. They’ll reciprocate by sharing the news with their friends and families, which can do far more for your reputation than any of your own social media marketing might.


Jonathan Bossenger

Developer educator from Cape Town, South Africa with a passion for open-source software.

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