Embed Google Reviews on Your Site to Build Customer Trust

According to BrightLocal, 86 percent of shoppers look to reviews on websites like Google Places, Yelp, and others to help decide whether to trust a business before purchasing its products or services.

If you’re looking to entice new shoppers using feedback about your quality customer service, you can use a WordPress.com plugin to embed Google Reviews within your WordPress.com website. Plus, according to Google, positive customer reviews can also boost your site’s SEO.

What are Google Places reviews?

Google My Business is a free service offered to businesses with at least one brick-and-mortar location. Once the listing is verified with Google, local businesses can post hours, photos, and respond to reviews.

Reviews on Google Places allow real customers to provide a star rating, written feedback, and photos of your business. Google eliminates the risk of fake reviews by banning anonymous comments and labeling helpful insights from active “local guides.”

How to embed Google reviews on WordPress.com

With a plugin for your WordPress.com website, you can easily integrate local feedback and display real customer reviews on any page. It just takes three steps:

1. Select a plugin

The best-rated plugins allow local business owners to select reviews and adjust the display without slowing page load times on desktop or mobile. To protect site security, select a plugin option that’s actively supported and tested with the most recent version of WordPress.com.

2. Install the plugin

Log in to the admin portal of your WordPress.com website and navigate to Plugins. Select Add New from the sidebar menu, type the name of your selected plugin into the search field, and install.

3. Customize display

Add your Google My Business API key to connect the plugin to your local listing. Once connectivity is established, you may choose to adjust the appearance of the widget and use plugin shortcodes to copy and paste the review widget to one or more pages of your WordPress.com website.

Google Reviews widget

Integrating a plugin to embed Google reviews on your local website can build trust with your current and future customers. Get started with an in-depth guide to your WordPress plugin options.


Jasmine Henry

Jasmine is a freelance technology writer, with interests in UX, mobile optimization, and web design trends. She's also a Project Management Professional with an academic background in Informatics and Analytics.

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