Creative Website Domain Names for Artists and Performers

You’re almost there.

Your portfolio is put together. Your product is ready. Your motivation is high. But there’s one important thing to do before you launch your web presence in full, and that’s choosing a creative website domain name.

We’ve come a long way from the days where “.coms” and “.orgs” were your main choices. Thanks to the wealth of website domain names available these days, domain names can be as varied as the artists and performers who use them. And while there’s no one-size-fits-all template that can portray your unique style, offers the top-level domain extensions that creatives love.

If this is new territory for you, read on to learn a bit more about how domain names work and how you can use them to add some style to your blossoming creative brand!  

What is a top level domain (TLD)?

TLDs, also known as domain suffixes, are a classification tool that provide context about a website. Usually, this is related to the site’s purpose, objective, or geographic region, represented by the three letters that follow the “dot” in a domain: .gov for government sources, .edu for educational sources, and so on. If you’ve ever wondered why international websites often have unique domain suffixes, it’s because the site owners are using country-specific TLDs, such as .uk or .fr.

But the noteworthy thing about TLDs for creatives is that they’ve expanded beyond their technical origins to become a brand personalization tool in their own right. Creatives can choose all kinds of TLDs to represent themselves, as we’ll get into in a moment.

In other words, there’s no reason to be bummed if the top-level “.com” domain you want isn’t available. More than 50% of all websites use a .com domain today. But this isn’t the Wild West of the web when numbers and letters after your name were what set you apart from CreativeGuy007 or PhotographerGal2000. A lot has changed.

Be an original with top level domains

For years, TLDs were strictly controlled by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). Website owners were limited in the domains they could choose, often getting stuck with something generic like a “.com” or “net.”

But as our online culture developed, ICANN quickly realized that a more expansive approach would be necessary. Thus, in the interest of businesses, the community, and creatives with intellectual property concerns, TLD possibilities were expanded to include a wide range of options — perfect for those who want to stand out in the crowd!

Creative domain names go far when it comes to catching the attention of fans or potential clients. Plus, it’s easier than ever to find the perfect domain name on, meaning that you actors, artists, designers, photographers, and producers have no excuse!

The benefits of creative domain names

New top-level domain extensions are here to stay, but only about 40% of internet users know they even exist. That’s why you don’t see “.photographer” or “.boutique” all over the web. They’re new, exciting, and primed to take off.

Creative extensions are more personal and direct than their “.com” or “.org” counterparts, which makes them ideal for branding and marketing.

Benefits of using a creative domain extension

●     There’s much more domain variety to choose from

●     You can create shorter domain names by using extensions creatively

●     Shorter domain names are easier to remember

●     Creative domain extensions are great branding opportunities

●     Tech-savvy internet users like creative domains

Marketing yourself as a creative doesn’t have to be a struggle. Instead, start off on the right foot by choosing a top-level domain that immediately brands, markets, and establishes your work.Creative domain extensions for photographers & filmmakers

A website is an important tool for a photographer or filmmaker. You may have the ‘gram fans, but you’ll need a URL to put on your business cards. 

Your website is where fans and potential clients can get a feel for your style, take a better look at your shots, and reach out to collaborate with you. It’s the “sizzle reel” sneak peek into your creative world.

That’s why domain names are so important for creatives, and you want one that stands out from the crowd. Otherwise you could get lost in the shuffle.

Photographer and movie maker domain extensions

Creative domain extensions for photographers and movie makers could include:

Why settle for “.com” when you can stand out with a “.photography” or “.productions”? Your domain extension says a lot about what you do as a photographer or filmmaker.

Creative domain extensions for performers

Actors, directors, performers — the energy practically radiates off these kinds of creatives. Your website is an extension of your performance, both on stage and off, which is why you want a domain name that has some serious Meryl Streep/Marlon Brando vibes. You’re trying to make a name for yourself, after all.

Too many performers stick with the tried-and-tested domain name format “” It works, but there’s no magic. Instead, jazz up your URL with a creative domain name that will turn heads. Choose a domain extension that speaks about you.

You’re not a “.com.” You’re not a “.org.” You’re a “.actor!”

Performer domain extensions

Creative domain extensions for performers could include:

Creative domain names for actors and performers are also a fun, practical way to point fans towards your studio space or production company.

Creative domain extensions for artists and designers

Social media makes waves that artists and designers quickly ride to fame, but social media platforms don’t take the place of your own personal website. There will always be critics who won’t take you seriously unless you have an online gallery.

Fortunately, your online showroom has endless rooms and perfect lighting — the perfect environment to keep them coming back for more. That’s why you want a domain name that uses a creative domain extension. You’re not boring, and your domain name shouldn’t be either.

There is value in the name you give a new artwork or design concept. The same should be true for your website domain name. Don’t be shy. Get creative!

Artist and designer domain extensions

Creative domain extensions for artists and designers could include:

A creative domain extension is like using vibrant colors — you’ve immediately caught the eye of the viewer with your domain name. Now, wow them with your art!

Creative domain extensions for culinary artists

Most chefs would agree that food is art. You’re a creator in your kitchen, and there’s a certain passion, flourish, and personal touch that goes into every great dish you make. Domain extensions are an excellent way to show off your style, whether you’re a baker, restaurant owner, brewer, or something else altogether.

Culinary artist domain extensions

Creative domain extensions for culinary artists could include: 

Let visitors know exactly what you’re about with a “.wine” or “.coffee” domain extension. They’re the perfect complement for a coffee roaster or winery!

Get creative with domain names domain names and extensions are as unlimited and creative as you are. That means the perfect website domain is just a click away, whether you’re a photographer, performer, or culinary explorer.  Start your website adventure and choose the perfect creative domain extension from the cornucopia of top-level domains.

Domain registration is free for one year with a paid plan, and WordPress makes it easy to create your dream website with plenty of editable website themes and world-class support. 

We’re waiting to help kick-start your creative online adventure. Get started today!


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