Website vs. Social Media: Which Is Better for Your Brand?

Social media is a key marketing tool for both businesses and individuals. In fact, many business owners are foregoing traditional websites to allow social pages to act as their sole online presence.

However, in the debate on website vs. social media, it’s important to consider the benefits of each.

The benefits of using social media

There are several factors that entice creators and small business owners to prioritize their social media efforts overbuilding traditional websites.

  1. Most social media profiles are free. You can create business accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and more without spending a dime, which can be a huge bonus if you’re on a tight budget.
  2. You might already be using social media for personal reasons. If you have a personal profile, creating one for your brand might feel less daunting, as you’re already familiar with how the respected platform works.
  3. There are millions of users on each social site. According to Hootsuite, there were more than 3 billion active social media users at the beginning of 2018. Additionally, Pew Research Center found that 74 percent of Facebook users check their accounts on a daily basis. A social profile enables you to directly place your content in front of that potential audience, instead of waiting for it to find you.

The budget-friendly nature of social media, coupled with the colossal user bases and friendly interfaces make social sites an appealing starting point for many brands and businesses. However, you shouldn’t write off websites just yet.

The benefits of having a website

There are numerous compelling reasons to use a website as the epicenter of your online presence.

  1. Customers expect businesses to have websites, not just social media accounts. According to a digital consumer study presented by Blue Corona, 63 percent of customers primarily turn to a company’s website to initially engage with it.
  2. Websites provide potential fans with a greater opportunity to discover your business. A website’s wider range of search engine optimization (SEO) capabilities positions you to rank higher on relevant search terms and attract more site visitors.
  3. Websites give you more control over your online presence. You’re fully in charge of how your site looks and works, so there are no surprises along the way. Social media platforms, however, can make changes to their layouts or algorithms at will, so you’ll never fully know what changes are coming down the line, and whether they will negatively impact your brand’s visibility.
  4. You can add functionalities to websites. By using widgets or plugins that align with your content or marketing strategies, your website can grow alongside your brand. (Note that plugins are available only to plugin-enabled plan users.)

Previously, it was expensive to build a website and required some technical skill. But modern platforms like make professional-grade sites accessible to everyone, even if you’ve never built one before.’s guided setup process only takes a few minutes, and its free and affordable plans align with any budget.

Website vs. social media: which do you need?

Consider creating a social media profile for your brand if:

  • You need to get a web presence up and running quickly.
  • You already have a large social following.

Consider building a website if:

  • You want full control over your online presence.
  • You want to use SEO best practices to attract visitors, including those who don’t use social media.
  • You plan to expand your functionality to include eCommerce, appointment booking, and everything in between.

Remember, you don’t have to choose one over the other. Create a website for your brand and integrate your social media accounts to curate a comprehensive online presence that leverages the best of both worlds.


Camryn Rabideau

Camryn Rabideau is freelance writer specializing in digital lifestyle content, ranging from pop culture to smart home technology. Camryn has contributed to popular media sites such as InStyle, Taste of Home, Martha Stewart, Food52, USA Today, The Spruce and more.

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