Recruit Employees Online Through

Attracting top talent is a challenge for any business. The global talent shortage is a top strategic concern for 63 percent of organizations worldwide, according to Gartner. Luckily, having a solid website can be the tool you need to recruit employees online.

Technology has changed the way candidates look for jobs. Company career websites are the most popular channels for researching job postings and company culture among 64 percent of candidates, according to Jibe. Using your website to promote your brand as an employer is key for an effective recruitment strategy.

Add the right pages and content

Jobvite’s 2018 Job Seeker Study found 82 percent of workers are open to the right job opportunity, according to Ere. Your website needs the right content to attract and recruit employees online. Avoid generic stock photos or web pages that only list job vacancies. Use your candidate site to define your company culture, describe your ideal employee, and share an insider’s view of your workplace. Characteristics of a great careers page include:

  • Mobile optimization: Multi-device access is key for today’s job seeker, as 45 percent use smartphones daily to look for jobs, according to Undercover Recruiter.
  • SEO-optimized pages: These should include targeted keywords by location and industry to capture local searches for job openings from individuals just beginning their job search.
  • Video content: Video allows you to give an insider’s look at what it’s like to work for your company, and it portrays your brand in an authentic, engaging light.
  • Focus on the experience: Sell prospective candidates on your culture by explaining your values and providing employee testimonials with easy-to-scan, interactive content.
  • Easy-to-use linking: Help candidates find job postings and content by providing clear links to more information on culture, your company, and current job openings.

Add a job board

A web page that simply lists job openings and links to PDF job descriptions can appear unprofessional to prospective talent. Use your Business website to enable plugins that will help you project a professional image to prospective candidates and simplify your talent management. WP Job Manager is an extension of the simple user interface for managing a small or large number of job postings, as well as for searching and filtering applications.

Prospective employees use a variety of sources to find jobs, including social media, job websites, and the websites of prospective employers. By creating a jobs page on your website, you can define your employer brand, advertise your company culture, and accept applications from top talent. Learn how to create a personalized landing page in


Jasmine Henry

Jasmine is a freelance technology writer, with interests in UX, mobile optimization, and web design trends. She's also a Project Management Professional with an academic background in Informatics and Analytics.

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