The Grammarly WordPress Tool and Other Proofreading Solutions

Everyone makes mistakes, especially when it comes to grammar and spelling. Even small typos can have lasting effects on website visitors’ and potential customers’ perception of your brand.

Luckily, there are a few helpful tools that you can use to correct spelling and grammar blunders and ensure that you make a professional first impression.

1. Grammarly

There is no Grammarly WordPress plugin, but you don’t necessarily need one. You can add the browser extension to Safari, Firefox, Chrome, or Microsoft Edge, and the tool will automatically check for spelling and grammar mistakes as you type. Grammarly is free, but purchasing the premium version unlocks additional capabilities, including vocabulary enhancement suggestions and a plagiarism detector.

2. Hemingway App

Unlike Grammarly, Hemingway App is available as a web-based editor and desktop-only tool (it does not offer a browser extension). However, this robust solution checks for spelling, grammar, and style errors. It also provides a “readability score” to determine whether your content is reader-friendly enough for your audience. The web-based tool is free and the desktop app costs $19.99.

3. Ginger

Similar to Grammarly, Ginger is another browser add-on that checks for mistakes and highlights them as you type.

You’re not just the writer, you’re also the editor

When you’re busy and in a rush, it’s easy to make mistakes. Even if you’re not, errors can be hard to catch when you’re editing your own writing. However, by leveraging tools like Grammarly, WordPress will become more writer-friendly, helping you to eliminate any mistakes before publishing content.


Carrie Dagenhard

Carrie is an old school, gumshoe journalist trapped in a modern content marketer's body. She specializes in writing for the marketing, technology and healthcare industries, and loves helping bloggers and small business owners grow their presence online. Carrie resides in the "Silicon Hills" of Austin, TX with her husband and two adorable cats.

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