7 Helpful Online Writing Tools for Bloggers

Online, grammar rules aren’t always adhered to. Even though we don’t function in an online classroom setting, it’s still important to avoid typos and awkward grammar mistakes when publishing content. This helps your posts look professional, and conveys a clear, understandable message to your readers.

Don’t worry if grammar and writing aren’t your strongest skills. There are plenty of online writing tools that can scan your posts for embarrassing mistakes, while helping to polish and refine them.

1. After the Deadline

WordPress.com's online writing tool for proofreading

After the Deadline is WordPress.com’s own proofreading tool. If you write the majority of your posts within WordPress.com, click the ABC icon in the visual editor to check your posts for spelling and grammar mistakes. You can configure the proofreading tools in your WordPress.com dashboard by going to Users > Personal Settings.

Color-coded markups will help you determine the type of error in your content. Red underlines translate to spelling mistakes, green means there’s a grammar mistakes, and blue is representative of style suggestions. You can also right-click on any underlined word for an explanation of your mistake, and suggestions for the correct usage.

2. Grammarly

Online writing tool Grammarly

Grammarly is a proofreading tool that identifies grammatical errors, typos, and awkward sentence structures. When used as a browser extension, it will correct anything written within your browser, even your posts on social media sites. The core functionality is available for free, but a paid plan grants you access to extra features like plagiarism detection.

3. Hemingway App

Online writing tool Hemingway App

According to the Hemingway App’s website, “Hemingway makes your writing bold and clear. It’s like a spellchecker, but for style.” This editor will calculate the readability of your content, alerting you about the use of adverbs, passive voice, and complicated words. It’s available for free as a web app, but you can also purchase a desktop app for Mac and PC.

4. CoSchedule Headline Analyzer

Online writing tool CoSchedule Headline Analyzer

If you want to spice up your post titles, check out the CoSchedule Headline Analyzer app. This tool evaluates how your post titles will likely rank in search engine results and on social media. This can help you come up with better titles that will result in more shares and click-throughs.

5. Cliché Finder

Online writing tool Cliche Finder

Clichés can hinder your blog posts and water down your content. Use the Cliché Finder to eliminate them and make your writing clear and concise. After you copy and paste your content into the site, it will highlight any clichés in red.

6. Readable

Online writing tool Readable

Readability web app Readable tells you how easy your blog post is to read. It scores your text and lets you know what level of education someone needs to understand your post.

7. Daily prompts

Sometimes, writer’s block is unavoidable. To help you overcome it, read writing prompts to inspire you. You can find even more inspiration in WordPress.com’s eBook, 365 Days of Writing Prompts, so you never stare at a blank screen again.

Perfect your blog with the right writing tools

There are many online tools that can elevate your writing, even if you don’t have a background in the craft. Use this list as a starting point to make your content as clear and well-written as possible.


Brenda Barron

Brenda Barron is a freelance writer, editor, and SEO specialist from southern California. She is a contributor to The Motley Fool and blogs regularly at The Digital Inkwell.

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