Three Ways to Repost Blog Content

If you don’t already repost blog content, there’s a goldmine of opportunity sitting in your archives. Every blogger knows that growing a site requires regular posting. One great way to fill that need is by refreshing content you’ve already written. When you repost blog content, you both improve search engine optimization (SEO) and engage effectively with your readers.

With that in mind, consider these three key strategies to help you refresh and repost blog content on your site:

1. Add updated information

If you’ve written any posts with information that’s since changed, consider refreshing them with up-to-date content. To ensure the content is not prematurely published, use the Revisionize plugin. This tool clones the content you’re working on into a new post, lets you edit as desired, and then only replaces the original when authorized. New information will add value for your readers and make your old content relevant again. (To use plugins, you’ll need to upgrade to a Business website.)

2. Review and revise the writing style or format

Another great way to update an old post is to rewrite it in a different format. You might rework a previous how-to guide into a new frequently asked questions (FAQ) post, for example. Or, some previously written content may need to be refreshed to make it more readable. What other formats could a narrative or personal experience take? Find archived content that you want to draw fresh attention to, and recreate it in a new format that warrants republishing.

3. Change the visual layout

If you use the WP Scroll Depth plugin, you can find out where exactly on your page readers are exiting. Then, you can try changing the visual layout of posts to better capture and hold their attention. Do you have any old articles that are text-heavy or filled with statistics? Try breaking them up with photos. According to HubSpot, pairing words with images makes viewers remember 55 percent more information than with words alone. You could also rework the content into an infographic or a video, making it more digestible to viewers.

Whether you’re updating information in an old post or recreating a previously published article in a new format, consider thinking about how to repost blog content. Doing so can fill your editorial calendar, give your audience something fresh to see, and multiply the reach of what you’ve written.


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