Zero to Hero: Day Twenty-Six

  • NOTE: Zero to Hero forum threads will close after five days. If you’re just starting out, welcome! Feel free to visit a more recent thread to say hello, ask questions, or seek feedback. Happy blogging!

    Welcome to Day 26 — the first day of the last week!

    Today, you’ll set yourself up for success in the next 30 days by revisiting what you’ve published, starting and saving a few draft posts (and publishing, if you’d like). Get the down-low on the Zero to Hero main page.

    Use this space as a place to ask questions and seek feedback from fellow bloggers, or just to talk about blogging, why you’re here, and how your month is going.

    Please refrain from posting links to your blog unless you’re seeking feedback — this is a place for discussion. Irrelevant comments and spammy links will be deleted. Instead, give your posts the “zerotohero” tag to enable other participants to find you.

    The Daily Post has a weekly open thread on Sundays called “Community Pool,” for peer feedback. If you’re looking for general feedback on your blog or feedback unrelated to this challenge, please visit that thread.

  • Sorry to be a pain in the proverbials, but on the main Zero to Hero page, today’s task is down as Day 27 … ;)

  • Funny you should mention this for todays challenge. I had a draft from a couple of weeks ago that I just posted today. I’ve missed a few of the challenges due to being knee deep in crochet projects and preparing for a trip this week.
    I have so enjoyed ZTH and I’m really rather bummed its going to end this week….whaaa! So not fair…LOL

  • Hi Zero to Heroers, I did my task for today and published a draft I’d been working on. I’m a little stuck on why my text body fonts are so small . . . under customize/fonts/text body I’ve set them as big as I can (3) with my premium theme, but nothing changes. I am looking for feedback: is the font too small to read? thanks guys. I have posted to my premium support theme too but not making progress . . . yet.

  • @birgerbird

    I love the new theme look, very sleek, I think you had a theme similar to mine previously.

    On the type, this is only ‘my’ opinion and others might feel different, but yes to me the type is a little small, makes it hard work for me to read and the font colour blends a little too much, but as I say that is only ‘my’ opinion, I do need glasses lol!

  • Great idea to use the draft section for brainstorming storage while updating “old” projects. Added a Netiquette page to my blog and prepared for the Speakeasy Event that starts tomorrow. Zerotohero really gives me a kick in the pants.

  • Hey @luthersjournal! Thanks for the nice comments on my blog yesterday.

  • Phew! I am so glad I am not the only who has a number of drafts in the dashboard… I thought I was bad with 10-15 of them but seeing that number made me sigh in relief!
    Also, a secret weapon for inspiration: Pocket. I wrote more about it in today’s post, but a quick explanation: for those moments when I find an interesting article I just save it to Pocket. It comes as a browser extension and an Android app so I can save articles on the go as well.

  • Up until today I didn’t have any saved drafts. I found this frightening because I am often running around crazy without a topic. Now I have 10 drafts ready to go after a 2 hour long brainstorming session with coffee and cigarettes.

    Now I just have to pick one to write about today.

  • @anamelio, good tip! I love Pocket, and often save things to return to later.

    @psychoticincognito, excellent work!

  • Ok, life has beaten me up again. The dentist is at fault for this. I swear; but I did aid my wife in redoing the visuals and widgets on OBM for yesterday; but sadly I cleaned up 90% of the drafts last week. But I did get a post out yesterday that fits this challenge because it’s always been talked about; but never publicly (as in my wife and I talk about it in private, and now I am sharing it with the world). So if you guys want to check out the new look of OBM or just read the newest post; it would make my day. I would really love some comments on the site; getting a bit jealous of Ana and her personal blog. ><

  • I honestly didn’t know that I still had drafts in there, but…well….here we go.

    That Time I was Zambora, The Gorilla Girl

  • How did you know we all had drafts lurking…

    I’m still not sure about longer posts, but any feedback is always appreciated. Happy day 26!

    ‘Richard II’, Kiss Me Like A Traitor

  • @frankamelio, it’s fine if you cleaned out your drafts! The point of today is to create some new ones :)

    @cladig, we all do! I need to take my own advice, actually, and revisit mine more often, too.

    And don’t worry about post length — there are some bloggers whose posts are a single photo, or a haiku. It’s about what *you* want to communicate.

  • I finished day 25 today, I will change it again, soon. I made my own header :/ Now, I’m going start on today’s prompt, and look at or start some drafts.

  • @leahj, you’ve got a typo in your site’s URL — we can’t click on your name to visit your blog. Might want to check your profile and update it :)

  • I went back to the five drafts I had kept more than six months. One I trashed, two I took the text and put it in other posts, and one I added to, to post today.

    You don’t have to publish everything.

  • I am so far behind on this challenge (stupid university life)! However, I have sort of used it in the past with some of my posts but not all of them. I will start using this from now on because it will help me create a better balance between university studies and blogging. Thanks for showing us this!

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