Zemanta and related posts

  • Hello Team,

    I have recently signed up for a .COM WP blog with my own mapped domain, and so far so good. Plain, simple and stable, and you dont have to think about a lot of headaches coming with self hosted blog. But, the issue of “related posts” spoils the fun a bit.

    Yes, I am aware that we have Zemanta option and I know how to activate it and where to look for it (near the post box, ATM I have disable it). The Zemanta does what it suppose to do and offers me related third party articles. Unfortunately, I do not see any option how to configure what Zemanta offers me. Yes, I did some Googling, and I know that ATM there is no related post widget/plugin in WP.COM blogs. Then, what a man to do?

    In summary, and getting to the actual question :
    The only way for me to display related articles from my own blog is to do it manually? Is this indeed the case?

    Thank you for your time.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Ok, I discovered that the moment I had Zemanta plugin installed in my browser, with Zemanta checkbox ticked in WP, I started getting suggestion from my own blog

  • That’s good news. You have resolved this. Best wishes with your blog. :)

  • Ok… I know what was the problem with Zemanta, I think… Since my blog is new, not all pages and posts appeared on the web. Zemanta fetches information from the web to present me, including my own pages. It does not searches in WP db for related posts based on tags.

    So now its all good.

  • I’m happy to hear this is sorted. Sometimes I use Google search and manually add my own related posts as well as using Zemanta (browser extension) and activating it on my blog.

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