Wrong primery site details and ….

  • I am a newbe so sorry, 2 things. I seem to have inadvertantly set up 2 separate accounts under davidgraham.net. one shows the primery address miss spelt as davidgrahamonet with correct email address (email visible only to moderators and staff). Also the other wp account I have been working on and want to keep is http://www.davidgraham.net.
    The problem I have is I went to WP site and bought WP Resaurant theme £52 not realizing that the theme was being bought via the miss spelt davidgrahamonet account.
    Can I delete that account and have the theme bought place on the http://www.dividgraham.net.

  • Hi!

    Hope you’re doing good so far. Let’s clear up a few things though. The site you are asking about does not appear to be mapped to a WordPress.com blog. Using the domain helper I was able to tell:

    Now, what that sounds like to me is that you are using a self-hosted installation of WordPress. Yes, it is a little confusing at first but they are a little different. This page does have some information regarding the two:

    I would recommend reaching out to the party you purchased the domain from and ask in their support channel.

    I hope that helps you out!

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