WP Customizer show div

  • I’m working on my theme customizer and am trying to find a more efficient way of showing a div

    Currently, what works for me is:

    (this is the section)

    $wp_customize->add_section('social-networks', array(

    (and this is what im using to display a div if any options are selected)

      if (    
        ( !empty(get_theme_mod('facebook-link')) ) 
        ( !empty(get_theme_mod('instagram-link')) ) 
        ( !empty(get_theme_mod('linkedin-link')) ) 
    ) : 
    <?php endif; ?>

    This works, but is there a simpler way to show the div if any of the setting/controls are checked, instead of having to list out each setting/control to see if they are checked? I have about 20 setting/controls and only showed 3 as an example here….

  • Hi there,

    Looks like you’re in the wrong forum. It appears that you’re using the open source WordPress.org software and you need to seek help at these forums:


    These forums are for WordPress.com hosted sites only. If you want to know more about the differences between WordPress.com and WordPress.org you can read this document:

    WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org

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