WP constantly tinkering with Classic

  • I was just in the middle of writing a blog post – several hours in and when I clicked “Save Draft” (one of many saves) the font suddenly changed, all the captions were justified left and I thought everything was screwed up!

    Evidently everything looks normal in Preview.

    Please would you stop tinkering with Classic!

    I am at the point of giving up blogging relative to the constant tinkering and push towards Gutenberg, after 11 years.

    I am also at the point of recommending that professional clients choose something other than WP for their websites, because most of them can not comprehend Gutenberg. There are other, simpler interfaces out there, that work like WP used to and offer more, without Blocks!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    I was just in the middle of writing a blog post – several hours in and when I clicked “Save Draft” (one of many saves) the font suddenly changed, all the captions were justified left and I thought everything was screwed up!

    Can you tell us more about the post? Is this published on maddogtvdinners.wordpress.com or still in draft form? We’re happy to take the closer look.

    Please would you stop tinkering with Classic!

    If you wish to use the classic editor you are welcome to do so by following the steps here: https://wordpress.com/support/classic-editor-guide/

  • @staff-totoro

    Yes, great sarcastic and unhelpful name!

    I do use Classic Editor!

    I said, “Save Draft”. I am complaining about the fact that all posts, draft or otherwise, in Edit Post mode have been changed for the worst, as of several hours ago.

    I am not talking about what Posts look like once they have been posted.

  • Howdy @maddogtvdinners

    My username has no bearing on my desire to help you here. Staff here at WordPress.com are happy to help you with your site and any issues you may be having with it; I am in no way being sarcastic about this. However we do ask that you respect the same community standards we ask of all folks that participate in our forums, thanks!

    Be respectful: Be friendly, patient, and encouraging to all members of our community. Name-calling, accusations, harassment, and other abuse toward the community or staff will not be tolerated.

    Can you clarify what you mean by “changed for the worst” in this case? Since you are using the classic editor I took a look at the view you would see on your most recent post in the editor (right) compared the the article as it appears on the site (on the left) as you see here:

    Click to view image

    I’m not sure I see a change for the worse here, they look very similar. Am I seeing something different than you see if you edit the post by going to this link? https://maddogtvdinners.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=15991&action=edit&classic-editor

    Thanks for clarifying.

  • @staff-totoro

    Thanks for looking – that is how it used to look in the Edit Post view. It does not look like that for me now.

    As I said, the font has changed and the text in the images justifies left.

    I took a screen grab for you but don’t see an obvious way of uploading or posting it.

  • Hi there,

    If you upload your screen shot at My Site ->Media, we’ll be able to see it there.

    I checked your post in the classic editor on my side, and like Jerry what I see in the published post matches what I see in the published version, so it would be helpful for us to see what you’re seeing on your end.

    Can you also let us know what browser, including version number, you’re using? Does it make any difference if you open the editor in another browser?

  • @kokkieh

    Thanks – I just uploaded the screenshot to my Media:

    Screen Shot 2021-11-12 at 09.57.13

    I am using Firefox 78.15 – the Edit Post view looked normal all afternoon yesterday and I made a lot of saves. When I made the final save the text style and formatting changed and therefore I thought WP had done another silent tinker.

    I just checked with Safari and Edit Post view looks normal, as per jerrysarcastic’s screenshot.

    I just looked at a paid WP site with Firefox 78.15 and the Edit Post view of that site displays normally to me. So I’m inclined to think that it’s not Firefox, but I can’t see anything setting wise that could have changed what I see.

    I was looking at the Edit Post view, pressed the Save Draft button and everything changed – it doesn’t make sense.

  • Hello there,

    I’ve taken a look and I can’t see that the images are aligned:

    Also, I checked the revisions of the post and I can see they were never aligned to begin with. To check – were these meant to be to the left?

    Also, with regards to the font/change it sounds like you could be inadvertently switching between the classic editor and the new improved block editor – is this the boggle here? If yes, we can direct you on how to always access the classic editor and set a preference on the account.

    I hope this helps.

  • @aleone89

    No offense intended, but you don’t seem to have read what I’ve written.

    I do not use the Block Editor, I don’t like it! I have always used the Classic Editor. I do know how both of them work.

    Please see the screenshot that I uploaded to my Media.

    What I am used to seeing, is what @staff-totoro posted above.

    What I now see is the text in a different font and the text under images aligned left instead of centre.

    I made no comment about the alignment of images!

  • Hm, I see what Jerry is seeing as well.

    Would you please use https://snipboard.io/ to share a screenshot of what you’re seeing?

  • @staff-blorbo

    Thanks, here you go:

    I suspect the problem may be with Firefox – perhaps I pressed a Firefox shortcut instead of a WP shortcut, when creating links or similar, though the font style reminded me of Blocks.

    I can’t find any Firefox shortcuts that would change font and aliment though …and very weird that it occurred when I pressed the Save Draft button.

  • Hm, yeah that doesn’t like right.

    First, please make sure that your browser is up to date: https://browsehappy.com/

    If it is not, please try updating your browser or switching to a different browser.

    If it is, please do these two things:

    1. Try clearing your browser’s cache and cookies.

    2. Try with all browser extensions or add-ons temporarily disabled.

    Please let us know how each step goes for you, and which browser (and version of) you’re using if you’re still having trouble.

  • @staff-blorbo

    I did say that I’d looked at it in Safari and it looks normal.

    I appreciate that clearing the cache and cookies might fix the issue, but that will probably prove to be a major PITA with other sites relative to passwords etc., with no guarantee that it will work.

    I only use one Extension – Adblock Plus, which was switched off at the time.

    I have also checked it in Firefox on another computer here and it looks normal.

    I very much appreciate all the help offered here and (this time) the issue probably has nothing to do with Gutenberg. Sadly, IMHO, Blocks will be the death of WP – the platform is no longer easy to use for the average person, which is what made WP great.

  • Hm, yes, I use Firefox as well and can confirm it looks normal under Firefox 94.0.1.

    If it still looks wrong with all extensions off, it is more than likely something in cache or cookies.

    As for the block editor, we have tips for transitioning from the classic editor to blocks https://wordpress.com/support/switching-from-the-classic-to-the-block-editor/ and FAQs: https://wordpress.com/support/replacing-the-older-wordpress-com-editor-with-the-wordpress-block-editor/#frequently-asked-questions

    And, if you really want to use something like the classic editor, we recommend sticking with the classic block: https://wordpress.com/support/wordpress-editor/blocks/classic-block/

    We also have some extensive documentation available at https://wordpress.com/support/wordpress-editor/

  • @staff-blorbo

    Thanks – I will not be transitioning to Blocks and I will not be using Classic Block.

    If WP turns off Classic I am done with WP!

  • Our forums staff doesn’t have a lot of control over the WordPress project — it’s a lot bigger than our company, even.

    We can help with any support questions, though. Let us know if we can help.

  • Half way through writing a post today, on saving, the Edit Post view reverted to normal.

    I haven’t knowingly done anything to make this happen, so I am undecided as to whether the the cause was relative to WP or Firefox.

    Problem solved, but the cause is a mystery.

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