WP 5.7.2 Site Health Results are still loading and White Screen

  • Hello,

    I’ve installed WP 5.7.2.

    Whenever I try to edit a page, I get a white screen. This happened right from the installation.

    The Site Health keeps saying “Results are still loading.”

    I’ve googled up and it appears that PHP memory need to be increased.

    How do I fix it?

    Below is the configuration:

    Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS

    Web server nginx/1.21.0

    WordPress Memory Limit (*): 40MB | Your usage now: 2MB | Total Php Server Memory (**): 128MB

    Server running PHP version: 7.4.18. MySQL version: 10.5.10-MariaDB-1:10.5.10+maria~bionic

  • Hello, I’m sorry to hear that you are having trouble with your website. However, your site is not hosted with WordPress.com. It is a site using the open-source WordPress software (from WordPress.org) but hosted elsewhere.

    Because WordPress.com and WordPress.org are two entirely separate entities, we cannot access files or data for sites that are hosted elsewhere, so WordPress.com staff can only assist with sites that are hosted on our servers. You can find more information here about the differences between WordPress.org software and WordPress.com: https://wordpress.com/support/com-vs-org/

    https://wordpress.org/support/ is a great resource for sites using the open source WordPress.org software, and you can find support for that at: https://wordpress.org/support/forums/

    Your hosting provider’s support team may also be able to assist.

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