Worried about storage space!

  • Hi, I’m currently on the basic/free plan; however, due to my content, I’m almost maxed out of my 3gb limit. I can only afford to upgrade to the Personal/$2.99 plan, but I have a concern. In the event that I pay the yearly amount for the Personal plan, but along the way, find myself in need of more storage space, can I receive a credit of the amount I’ve payed for the plan that have gone unused (let’s say, 7 months at $2.99 each) and put it towards the Premium/$8.25 plan or something of the like? I’m just worried about upgrading and then running out of space too quickly. Additionally, I’m curious if monthly payments are an option in circumstances like these. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, Staff will reply to your question about upgrading.

    I wanted to mention that if you’ve run out of 3GB storage after 5 months, you will want to look at resizing and optimizing your images before you upload them to your site. This not only maximizes your storage space, but also preserves image clarity and speeds up page loading time for your site visitors. That last one is very important for search engine rankings.

    Unless your images are meant to be downloaded for printing, no image on your site really needs to be larger than 1600-1800 pixels at the widest. The exception is if your theme requires a wider featured image, and looking at the Quick Specs for Cubic the featured image should be 2000 pixels wide. Anything larger than those dimensions is eating up your storage space unnecessarily.

    Here’s information on resizing and optimizing: https://en.support.wordpress.com/media/image-optimization/

    (I’ve gotten good results from jpegmini.com which has both a free online service and a paid program. NA-YMMV)

  • Hello –

    justjennifer makes a great point here about the resizing of your content. Please take that in to consideration.

    In regards to the upgrades. If you need to upgrade from Personal before it’s renewal comes around, you only pay the difference between the 2 plans.

    For example, you’d only pay $63.12 for the upgrade to Premium.

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