Working with images, slidshows, galleries – why are they "connected"?

  • Hello. Could someone explain me, please, how do I properly work with single images, with image galleries, or with slideshows? With “2011 theme” (or “any other theme”?).

    Problem I encountered:
    1) Uploading 10 images from my PC desktop, creating slideshow with all of them -> fine ->
    2) wanting to insert gallery with 2 images (i.e. 2 images out of those 5 already used in slideshow) AT THE SAME POST ->
    3) thus I erased the other 3 images from and inserted the gallery with other 2 as I wanted ->
    4) however, this action of deleting 3 images DELETED these images also from my first slideshow.

    I am just curious. Am i doing anything wrong?

    Thanks in advance. petr

  • A gallery will display a set of thumbnail images attached to a particular post or page. This is the relevant support documentation for creating a Gallery. And, this is an excellent resource I always refer to when Gallery questions arise.
    This is a link to support documentation regarding creating slideshows.

  • I incorporated into my post/page a slideshow, but there are photos at the bottom of the post that I don’t want to be there. I only want the slideshow of the photos not the images at the bottom along with the slideshow. Do I delete those images by editing them out? The address is:

    Thanks so much!

  • Yes. In the visual editor, click on each image then click the delete icon; click Update when you’re done with all the images, Or (faster) switch the editor to HTML, select and delete everything below [slideshow], click Update.

  • HMM thanks For its information….i will try its

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