• Hello

    I have signed up for wordads on my website


    But nobody seems to be able to see them.

    Could you help me ensure they are visible please?

    Many Thanks

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    I have checked you site waggleduff.com and WordAds have been active since 12 hours ago. Please give it 2-3 days as our advertisers will assess the site and bid on your site. You will see advertisements after that. This is the time they need for placing advertisements.

    I hope this information is helpful to you. Please don’t hesitate to ask if I can help you with anything!

  • Also, remember that with your plan, you can access Live Chat directly via https://wordpress.com/help/contact. That way, you can get help faster.

  • Hi

    Thanks for this and your swift response.

    I don’t have time to live chat but I will use i the future. Thanks for the tip.

    I cant see any adverts at the moment, and I few days have gone by. Other users cant see them either.

    Could you also advise on the process for bidding? I am little confused how the slots I have left for adverts end in monetisation.

    Sorry if I sound daft! Thanks for your help


  • Hi there, I’m confirming that I see ads on your site. I apparently am not in a location that interests ad bidders at the moment so only see generic WPcom ads. There’s one in the sidebar and one under the top two posts. (temp screenshot)

    You can learn about the whole WordAds process at https://wordpress.com/support/wordads-and-earn/

    Post back here if you have more questions

  • Could you also advise on the process for bidding? I am little confused how the slots I have left for adverts end in monetisation.

    Real-time bidding is a complicated process, but in short, in less than a second ad providers bid on placement based on the site’s content and the geographic location of the visitor (and several other less-impactful items), and the winner gets the placement.

    We also run our own house ads, which still payout, that should appear if there are no bidders.

    You can find some more in-depth info at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real-time_bidding

    If you aren’t seeing any ads, make sure you aren’t running an ad blocker. Don’t worry, it happens often. :)

  • Hello Macmanx

    Thank you for this. I appreciate your feedback and response, will take a read.

    Do you have any advise or someone I could speak to that would help my chances of winning some return?

    Appreciate my website is new. The growth in visits and web page hits is quick so I am working on the traffic volumes.

    Any hints, tips or advise would be great. My page is Golf, Sports related.


  • Hi @waggleduff these public support forums are intended for free WordPress.com sites (which do not display ads) so we would not be able to provide you with more info or advice.

    However, your Premium plan includes priority live chat support, so you may wish to start a conversation here so we can take a closer look: https://wordpress.com/help/contact


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