WordPress.com Reader, show full text?

  • The mobile version of the Reader works as I described above, independent of individual blog settings. It’s not a choice those users make to override a blog’s settings, it’s how the mobile Reader works.

  • Does that mean the answer is: Yes?

  • You asked whether users can choose to override your blog’s RSS excerpt settings – the direct answer to that is no, overriding your blog’s excerpt settings is not something users can choose to do or not do on their end. The mobile Reader itself does override individual blog settings by its very nature. It’s not something a user has control over.

  • Hi there – the Reader on WordPress.com will display the full post only if you click the comment link below the excerpt. A modal popup window will appear, displaying the full post.

    On the iPhone and other mobile versions of the Reader, post excerpts are also displayed, unless the user clicks the post to see the full version. You can emulate the mobile Reader experience here:


    I hope this answers everyone’s questions. :-)

    Doesn’t work with no WordPress blogs.

  • The mobile Reader itself does override individual blog settings by its very nature. It’s not something a user has control over.

    That’s what I though you were indication and I wanted to be clear. Now I known why my page view stats are going down as my mobile and tablet viewers are increasing. Believe me when I say that I’m not happy about this.

    Is there any way I can put a stop to this so my choice ie. to compel viewers to click into read the full posts on my blog cannot be over-ridden?

  • jjnilton – our Reader developers have let me know that the ability to display the full post from the WordPress.com Reader hasn’t yet been rolled out to all users, only some. They hope to launch it for everyone very soon.

  • Edit = That’s what I thought you were indicating and I wanted to be clear. (Sorry. I’m having a bad vision day.)

  • They hope to launch it for everyone very soon.

    Great leaping lizards! NO, no, no!

  • Timethief, I understand your stats concerns and we’re going to pass them along to the Reader team for consideration. I can’t promise any changes to the way it works, but I will let you know if I get any news.

  • I am too sick right now to be angry so I’m sad. Every blogger wants more page views, readers, subscribers and comments. Along with many other factors, traffic is a page ranking factor and though I’m not a stats addict I do view my stats to determine whether or not the subject matter in my posts is drawing increased interest.

    We all aim to increase page views and discovering WordPress.com/Gravatar users could “like” and “share” my posts without even reading the full post on the blog was a colossal piss off (yes! I swore). So I changed my RSS Feed for posts to summary to compel everyone to click into the blog to read full posts thereby creating page view stats.

    Now I discover that was an exercise in futility and ib]n fact the developers are focused on this:

    our Reader developers have let me know that the ability to display the full post from the WordPress.com Reader hasn’t yet been rolled out to all users, only some. They hope to launch it for everyone very soon.

    Throughout the last 2 years I have been trying to accommodate mobile and tablet users by choosing responsive width themes. I have been happily noting I do have more mobile and tablet viewers. However, I have also noted my stats descending and have been perplexed by that.

    Timethief, I understand your stats concerns and we’re going to pass them along to the Reader team for consideration. I can’t promise any changes to the way it works, but I will let you know if I get any news.

    [sarcasm] Please do send my feedback to the developers and thank them kindly for robbing us of the page views our blogs deserve, by overriding our user choices re: RSS feeds set to summary. [/sarcasm]

  • Thanks for the clarifications, Kathryn.

    Although I’m coming from an entirely different angle than tt, I also agree with her that the Reader’s mobile and online experience should be from viewing an excerpt in the Reader to clicking through to a full post, for the reasons I gave above.

    Thanks for listening and bringing our concerns to the Reader team.

  • I, like timethief, choose to put out only excerpts, with the specific purpose of ensuring readers must come to my blog to read my posts. That’s the whole point of having a blog, to have visitors come to our blog to read our posts. That’s why we work so hard to make our blogs attractive, and readable, and reflective of our personalities. And we want accurate accountings of those visitors. It seems WP is doing everything it can to thwart that goal by letting mobile app users read the full post (overriding the blog owner’s settings!), allowing reblogging (so readers can read our stuff elsewhere), allowing Likes via emails and the Reader (again, so readers don’t have to visit our blogs). I’m with timethief; I’m pissed.

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