wordpress.com newbie needs help adding quicktime and more

  • Hi,

    I’m new to wordpress.com and am having trouble making a post to my blog that contains a 700k quicktime movie. I read that the embed tag isn’t supported and I’m wondering how I can post my VR and have it viewable or at least downloadable. It’s posted as “The New Studio” at http://www.lindenphoto.wordpress.com. Any workarounds are welcome :).

    Also are there file size limits to posts or number of posts? I want to post small videos sometimes and photos regularly to show what my photography studio does.


  • Embedding media is not allowed, I’m afraid. And for photos, we are alloted a total of 25MBs. You’re better hosting the photos somewhere else. And about your videos, you’d have to find somewhere that would host them and link to them to your blog, that way, visitors can download them.

  • Hate to disagree but…

    Yes, you are allowed to have up to 25 megs of photos hosted with your blog. For 99% of the bloggers out there, that’s plenty of space unless you’re doing multiple pictures for each post with each picture over 100kb in size. You can review a FAQ on uploading pictures here if you need help. I have a webcomic updated twice daily here with two different pics a day, each one about 50kb in size and its loaded until some time in September. I’m no where near 25megs in usage.

    The Quick Time video is different though. As per the FAQ, we are not allowed the use of embed tags here on WordPress.com. We are allowed to use videos hosted at Google and YouTube though and this might work for you. There are links to instructions for using those methods in the FAQ as well.

    Hope this helps,

  • Thank you both for your replies. It sounds like I may need to host myself as I plan on adding photos almost daily and don’t want to worry about limits but will look into google and youtub until I can host myself.

    If you have any hints for integrating a blog into an already existing site (www.lindenphoto.net) I would love a point in the right direction. My server is hosted offsite but support is lacking as it’s a friend who kindly donates the space.

    Thank you :)

  • Honest answer? I’d almost suggest just doing what you’re doing within the “What’s new” tab on your site and leaving it a flat file. I can’t see shoehorning a blog in there without a lot of work.

    Unless you want the ability to have visitors to be able to leave comments. Then maybe something like a pro account from HaloScan.

    Oh, and I would suggest updating the What’s new Page. That last update of back in 2003 kind of jumps out at you. Even if you stick in a “Well, I took a walk in the park today and show some duck pictures.” line. Just something to show that you’re still around and paying attention.

    Hope this helps,

  • Dr. Mike,

    Thank you once again for the quick response. I know what you mean about the what’s new being so old and in fact not new at all. My static site is done in flash which is a huge pain to update and as such it doesn’t happen like it should so visiters come see what’s there but there’s no reason to come back. For instance this weekend I shot Kanye West, Mary J. Blige, Natasha Beddingfield, and many more and I want to share some images while it’s new and fresh. I want to maintain both for a short time but eventually transition to the blog only which will have updates after every shoot sorted by category so new viewers could see what they want easily. I also want to have various flash portfolios and some video available.

    Hopefully people who I shoot for will share great feedback which perspective clients would see. The data would be contantly updated and easy so it would actually happen and give people a reason to check back often to see what’s new. I don’t want to spend time coding as I don’t know it well and I need to be doing the things that generate income like shooting :). I don’t mind paying for a service but I sure would like to find one where I can call and talk to people familiar with the tools I need to use and can get me up quickly. I currently use ecto for my posts and also use it for the blog that I host here http://www.ibryan.com.

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