WordPress site copy and migration

  • I have two self hosted WordPress sites, 1st marketing.mfa-inc.com 2nd marketing.test.mfa-inc.com; I need to copy 1st(prod) to 2nd(test) to synchronize sites.
    moving forward, I need 1. to have a way to regularly backup the two sites, and 2. develop a migration strategy to have planed implementations of test to production change control. Initial strategy is to 1. Sync current prod to test, and then have a planned migration as we develop on test and place planned changes to production. 2. Initiate a backup strategy to allow for regular backups.

    With that being said,
    A) I have looked at Duplicator, but not sure what version to use, initial thought is to use the free version but having trouble using it, is this a recommended way to go?
    B) The websites are installed using IIS 8.0, can I use the Import/Export functions of IIS8 to perform my migrations? Not sure how to implement a full website name change to accomplish this.

  • Hi there,

    Looks like you’re in the wrong forum. Since you’re using the self-hosted version of WordPress you need to seek help at the WordPress.org forums:


    These forums are for WordPress.com hosted sites only. If you want to know more about the differences between WordPress.com and WordPress.org you can read this document:

    WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org

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