wordpress hosting p+ business plane wordpress

  • Hi . I have two questions m before start my questions . I inform that I consider to use WordPress hosting + Business plane WordPress, base on please response

    1- I want to use enfold them , in this plane ( Business plane) , it is free?

    2- according to information , about email address , I should buy email or , it is included to my package and plane ? and howmany emails can i make ?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello –

    Thanks for writing to us with questions about the business plan.

    1. You’re welcome to use any theme you like as part of that plan. It can come from our theme showcase or you can upload a third party option. It looks like Enfold is developed by Theme Forest so you would upload that as a third party option.
    2. Yes, I would suggest using a custom email solution for your project. It’s a very affordable way to enhance your online branding and build trust with clients.

    Keep in mind, when you purchase an annual plan, there’s a significant built in savings versus paying monthly. It also opens up access to our live chat team for when that real-time help is needed.

    Add Email
    3 min read
    Want to use a custom email address with your domain, such as (email visible only to moderators and staff)? WordPress.com offers an affordable, robust, hosted email solution called Professional Email, which gives you the ease of managing email from your WordPress.com account. We also offer other solutions to meet your email needs described below. At any time, only one of the email options mentioned in this gui

    Write back with more questions! We are close by and glad to help.

  • Many thanks for your reply , but I cannot understand that enfold is free for customer who choose business plane and also your host or No ?

    And also for my second question : that please consider that I want to buy your host and then base on it, you have not offered any free email base on my domain name. Because some provider for hosting they offer free emails and unlimited, this is my question

  • Hi there,

    Many thanks for your reply , but I cannot understand that enfold is free for customer who choose business plane and also your host or No ?

    On WordPress, plugins and themes are something you can think of as being similar to apps you might install on your smartphone. Some apps are free, and some apps are paid, and not available in a free version. But you do usually need to pay for the phone itself, in order to have a device to install your apps on. Websites are similar in this regard in that there is usually some “hosting costs” involved with the site itself. In our case, we don’t charge hosting fees directly (we host all sites by default, even free ones) but the cost of our upgrades are similar to the costs you would pay to host elsewhere.

    And also for my second question : that please consider that I want to buy your host and then base on it, you have not offered any free email base on my domain name. Because some provider for hosting they offer free emails and unlimited, this is my question

    It’s true that we do not offer free email, and this is an intentional choice. We have found there to be some key limitations of free email options you are referring to:

    • Limited storage capacity: Free email accounts often have restrictions on the amount of storage available, which can lead to difficulties in managing emails and attachments.
    • Basic security features: Free email options may lack advanced security features such as end-to-end encryption, multi-factor authentication, and robust spam and malware protection.
    • Inadequate customer support and reliability: With free email services, customer support might be limited, making it challenging to resolve technical issues. Additionally, service reliability and uptime may not be as high as with other options.

    Our Professional email option is just a much nicer experience that is similar to Gmail (without being required to use an gmail.com address) but at a considerable saving over Google Workspace.

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

  • may I ask one more question? If i Buy a business plane , Do I need to buy host from other companu or No ?

  • Certainly! If you purchase the Business plan with us, that would also serve as your website hosting so you wouldn’t need to purchase hosting elsewhere.

    I hope that clarifies things! Let us know if you have any other questions. We’re happy to help. :)

  • many thanks for your helping …

    would you please let me know also more about email address..

    I will buy business plane it will be included one year domain register free and for email address base on my domain I need 5 email addresses …then I have to pay for each 35 $ PER YEAR it is true ? Or other ?

  • Hi @commercial88, $35/year/inbox is one option. This article goes over several others, including mail from other providers.

    Just know you won’t be able to mix mail options – you can’t use professional email for one inbox and free Zoho for another:

    Add Email
    3 min read
    Want to use a custom email address with your domain, such as (email visible only to moderators and staff)? WordPress.com offers an affordable, robust, hosted email solution called Professional Email, which gives you the ease of managing email from your WordPress.com account. We also offer other solutions to meet your email needs described below. At any time, only one of the email options mentioned in this gui

    That article should help, but if you have further questions just let us know what you have in mind and we’ll advise. Cheers!

  • Many thanks for help e to finalize my diction, and also would you clarify some following items ?

    1- When I buy a plane, is it possible to change and do my homework, as offline, and then I launch it. And In the future many be I need to do some change in my web design and other thing, I know that I can do it by online, but is it possible to do change as offline and then relaunch it ? Or I have to do it by my local host in my computer, I ask it because maybe you have some additional to do it by other way ?

    2- for business plane do you know about PHP limit memory ?

  • Hey there,

    Happy to help with this.

    1- When I buy a plane, is it possible to change and do my homework, as offline, and then I launch it…. I know that I can do it by online, but is it possible to do change as offline and then relaunch it ?

    It’s possible to keep the post or page as a draft until publishing it, it’s also possible to keep the site private as whole, or behind a coming soon page. More on this can be found here: https://en.support.wordpress.com/settings/privacy-settings/

    Or I have to do it by my local host in my computer, I ask it because maybe you have some additional to do it by other way ?

    If you want to keep the site live, and work on it offline on a local host, it’s totally possible to upload that using All In One WP Migrate: https://en.support.wordpress.com/import/import-using-all-in-one-migration/

    2- for business plane do you know about PHP limit memory ?

    Our memory limit is 512MB and a full run down of the environment can be seen here: https://wordpress.com/support/php-environment/

    Why do you ask out of curiosity, is there a plugin or theme you’re looking to use?

    Looking forward to hearing more!

  • many thaks for your information

    and one more question

    1- it is possible to define different accesses for different user to make changes on the site.

In normal mode, it is possible to create access for people, but to have access to some content on the site is the main question for changes, is this possible?

  • Hey there,

    Yes that’s totally possible. :)

    You can assign different roles to different people, from just a viewer all the way up to an developer. The user roles can be seen here: https://en.support.wordpress.com/user-roles/ and with plugins, this can also be expanded upon on the business plan.

    This is how to add people to a WordPress.com site: https://en.support.wordpress.com/invite-people/

    Hoping this is super useful information. :)

  • Hi …

    I have some questions as following :

    1- Is it possible to change a plane during my subscription time to a higher or lower plane, for example : I register a business plane and then change it to commerce or Premium or personal ?

    2- Is it possible to buy two different planes for two different domains ?

    3- According to question #2 is it possible to control both in one admin panel ?

  • Hello there,

    Happy to help further!

    1- Is it possible to change a plane during my subscription time to a higher or lower plane, for example : I register a business plane and then change it to commerce or Premium or personal ?

    Yes it is possible.

    Something to be aware of is, that an upgrade/download in plan is also an upgrade/downgrade in features. So for example, if the site is on the business plan, and a third party theme and plugin is installed – then the site is downgraded to Premium, those themes and plugins would be removed.

    2- Is it possible to buy two different planes for two different domains ?

    Yes it is – it’s one plan and one custom primary domain per site.

    3- According to question #2 is it possible to control both in one admin panel ?

    Yes, the site owner/administrator has access to a hosting panel via Settings > Hosting Configuration: https://en.support.wordpress.com/hosting-configuration/

    I hope this helps.

  • HI

    Many thanks to all for help me to clarify everything

    Would Please let me know that, after upgrade to business plane, only I can to install plugin and germanium plugin? Or some of the premium will be free

    if this answer is yes, would you please let me know a list of them ?

    2- 200 GB is my site and database capacities ? Or other means?

    Many thanks

  • after upgrade to business plane, only I can to install plugin and germanium plugin?

    You’re able to upload plugins as part of the business plan. This option is not possible on the premium plan.

    Would you please send me a link to the germanium plugin that is mentioned? I am not finding that but would like to confirm for you that it is compatible.

    200 GB is my site and database capacities ? Or other means?

    The media storage does not include your text based content. That number is specifically targeting any images or video that you have hosted on the site.

  • Many thanks for your notice

    I understand that I can install plugin on Business plane, but I thought that some premiums are free for the business part of the plan, for example: Wpform plugin or Wpform pro is free ? or another one : gravity pro is free or no ?

  • I’m not sure I fully understood your question but I think you are asking if certain plugins are free or not, and the answer is that it can depend.

    Plugins (for your WordPress site) are a lot like “apps” are on your smartphone. In the same way that an app adds functionality to your phone that it does not come with from the factory, a plugin adds functionality that does not come with WordPress by default. Also, just like apps on your smartphone, there are many free plugins you can find for your WordPress site. But also there are some apps that are not free but cost extra, and you have to purchase them from the folks that created that add-on functionality.

    The Business plan does allow you to upload any plugin or theme “designed for WordPress” but it does not make all plugins free. Some plugins you may have to pay for. They are created by other companies (we are not connected to) so your Business plan does not automatically make every plugin free. There will sometimes be plugins that are unique (and for which a free version does not exist) and the cost of those is not included in your WordPress.com plan.

    Wpform plugin or Wpform pro is free ? or another one : gravity pro is free or no ?

    Regarding these two plugins, wpform is not a company we are connected to, so we are not sure what they offer, but I do see they offer a ‘lite’ version of their plugin which is free: https://wordpress.com/plugins/wpforms-lite

    For Gravity Forms, I do not see a free option, only the paid plugin found here: https://wordpress.com/plugins/gravityforms

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

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