WordPress Dynamic Menus and iframes

  • I am successfully running WordPress 5.8.1 in 64 bit Windows 10 via 64 bit Firefox 93.0.

    -There are a number of iframe plugins within wordpress, or the option to code iframes in via html5 directly. Are there any dynamic menu plugins,
    along the lines of Advanced Sidebar Menu, that support
    embedding of a dynamic menu inside one iframe, while referencing page loading behaviour in a separate iframe?

  • Hello there,

    Many thanks for reaching out.

    Are you able to confirm the URL of the website that you need assistance with please?

  • No, there is no internet website available, at this point.

    I am asking this question beforehand, hoping that someone more familar with WordPress plugins can give me a successful answer to my question, saving me a lot of time. There are dynamic menu plugins in the WordPress plugins database,
    but I am not in a position to test them all, particularly the free plugins, to see
    if there is any particular support for iframes.

    What I am after is the ability to embed mainly a vertical, but possibly a horizontal,
    dynamic menu in a left hand side frame, which will control frame file loading in a central region.

    Is there someone who just knows if such a plugin exist, and what its search name is, within the WordPress plugins database?

  • Hi there,

    What I am after is the ability to embed mainly a vertical, but possibly a horizontal,
    dynamic menu in a left hand side frame, which will control frame file loading in a central region.

    What you describe is not something I’ve seen in an off-the-shelf plugin, but sounds more like something you would need to hire a developer to help create for you. You may wish to consider the directory of partners we offer here:

    Hope this helps point you in the right direction!

  • If that is truly the case, I am now brought to my second question.

    -If I am after just one dynamic menu plugin, a free one, which allows for
    accordian menus, as well as horizontal or vertical menus, which
    allow for subitems, and submenus of sub-sub-items, which one plugin
    comes recommended? If there is an innate difference between general
    menus or accordian menus, which two plugins come recommended? Within
    the domain of free, non-curtailed plugins, which individual plugin, or which
    small subset of plugins, come recommended? Can someone please reply by naming them, so that I can search and find what I am after?

  • The other thing is, can someone else please confirm what jerrysarcastic has said to me? Is there someone with a more firm knowledge of the set of free WordPress
    plugins who can even more accurately address my original (iframes) question,

  • Hi there,

    To get support regarding the WordPress software you need to post in these forums:


    Please note that the forum you have posted is for the WordPress.com hosting platform which is different than the WordPress software that your site is using. You can learn more about these differences here:

    WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org

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