WordAds Payout

  • I am wanting to close my website, aka delete it permanently, but I have $50.09 in Ads revenue. Am I able to request a payout even though I am below the threshold?

    WP.com: Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there,

    If you would like we can request an early payout for your WordAds account. This is only possible if you intend to close your WordAds account completely, meaning you will not be able to use WordAds in the future either for this site or any other site including self-hosted WordPress. If you choose to proceed payouts will be sent in the next payment period.

    Please let me know if you would like to proceed with the early payout request.

    Hope this helps!

  • Hello,

    Sorry, I’ve only just seen this. Yes please, I’d like to close my WordAds account and have a payout.

    many thanks, Chloe

  • Hey Chloe,

    No worries. I would be happy to put in the request. In order to do so, you will first need to turn WordAds off entirely. You can do this by pausing ads in your WordAds settings.

    Please let us know once you have paused advertising and we will submit the request for you.


  • I’ve paused ads now! Thank you.


  • Thank you for verifying! I have started the early payout process, which involves withdrawing your site from the WordAds program. The payout is scheduled to be processed in the upcoming batch for January earnings, and you can expect to see it on or around March 17th, approximately 45 days after the end of the month.

    Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or require assistance with anything else.

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