WordAds Earnings Stats Integration?

  • Hey everyone,

    Does anyone know if there are plans to integrate WordAds Earnings with stats? This might be kind of nit-picky, but now, to get to earnings, we have to go to Settings > WordAds > Earnings, which just seems like a lot of clicks.

    It would be awesome to have an extra panel for earnings on the regular stats page, like what happened with visitor locations a few months ago. Or just a more easily accessible link somewhere, that would be great too.

    Again, this is just an idea.

    – Leon

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Why would that be nit-picky? In order to have advetising running on your blog you can go to the bank with the fact that Staff have far better backend stats to rely on that what we view on our stats pages.

  • Thanks Leon and TimeThief. We do have plans to improve the WordAds stats. This is a good idea!

  • Great idea, Leon! And I say that as someone without WordAds yet but interested.

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