Wordads earning deacrease as time pass?

  • Hello,

    Why does the earning generated by wordads decrease as time pass?
    In short why does the ads gives each month less?
    June: 0,55cpm
    July: 0,36cpm
    August: 0,25cpm

    I know that maybe the total monthly visits of the site can impact in such cpm which I believe is the basis of your system, or close. However, the visit’s variance over that period was only of -13%. Isn’t it a bit light for a decrease of over 50% in only 3 month?

    Is there a reason? A special gimmick of the wordads system or simply a lack of ability to met the promise done?

    I’m not about aiming to make the most money through a blog/site but it simply isn’t right to have such differences in a widely used (and imposed) system.

    Thanks for your answer.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • ps: I didn’t see a buttom to make this post private. you might want to change that.

  • ps: I didn’t see a button to make this post private. you might want to change that.

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