WooCommerce Product Price removal

  • Looking for help with removing the “product-addons-total” block from one particular product. We are using WC Kalkulator to roll up a configured price, and it’s showing two contradicting prices. If i remove the price from the General product tab, it disables the product. If I have it set to $0.00 it enables the product but shows the double pricing. Any suggestions? I’m not savvy with creating code, but I can punt!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • WC Kalkulator is not a plugin developed by us and hence we do not have a deeper understanding of its code to suggest workarounds here.

    As I understand, you can either write CSS code specific to the product page, where you want to hide “product-addons-total” section (which I’m not sure is the correct workaround) or you can reach the WC Kalkulator support about this and they should be able to help you with a workaround.

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