WooCommerce Legacy REST API

  • The Legacy REST API plugin and HPOS are both active on site.

    Please be aware that the WooCommerce Legacy REST API is not compatible with HPOS.

    Please suggest what we can do?

  • Where do you see this “Please be aware that the WooCommerce Legacy REST API is not compatible with HPOS.” message?

    What is your goal with having the combination of both plugins on your site?

  • On my wordpress dashboard the above message showing continuously from yesterday.

    This message keeps appearing after updating all plugins. I don’t know about HPOS and how it was enabled on my website. Now request you to Please suggest what we can do?

  • On my wordpress dashboard the above message showing continuously from yesterday.

    This message keeps appearing after updating all plugins. I don’t know about HPOS and how it was enabled on my website. Now request you to Please suggest what we can do?

  • Please allow us some time on this, and we will get back to you here.

  • The WooCommerce Legacy REST API isn’t compatible with our new HPOS (High-Performance Order Storage). Please note that the Legacy REST API is deprecated, and we encourage you to use WooCommerce’s latest REST API, which can be found at the following link:


    If you are using any third-party services or integrations that consume this Legacy REST API, I recommend reaching out to them to see if they have updated their integration to work with the latest version of the WooCommerce REST API.

    If you are sure that you are not using the Legacy REST API anywhere, you can go to WordPress Dashboard > WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > Legacy API and disable the option.

    Please note that the WooCommerce Legacy REST API will be removed from WooCommerce core in version 9.0.

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