Wildcard Subdomain Location Issue

  • I created wordpress multisite with wildcard subdomain.

    Wildcard Subdomain is: *.domain.com
    Document Root is: home/public_html

    I created a geo-specific subdomain site under network admin settings: abc.domain.com

    1. Should I change subdomain’s location to something else?
    Eg: home/public_html/abc

    2. Since all the themes and plugins are same and located at the same location, would changing setting in subdomain dashboard (of plugins and theme), change settings in main domain also?
    Eg: I am using woocommerce plugin on both domain and subdomain. I have been using main domain since a long time and it had installed plugin specific php files in the theme, during first use. I had changed a few codes in those files to suit my needs and it is working properly.
    Now, in subdomain, it is again asking to install those php files. Wouldn’t this change the original files?

    3. I wish to use same images for both domain and subdomain, without duplicating them.
    I tried creating symbolic link using command in shell:
    ln -s /path/to/images /path/to/subdomain/images.
    (in my case: ln -s public_html/wp-content/uploads public_html/wp-content/uploads/sites/3)
    After pressing enter, no error or success message was shown and new line for new command was displayed.
    (On retrying the command, ln: creating symbolic linkpublic_html/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/uploads’: File exists `)
    And in media tab of subdomain dashboard, I still can’t see of my main domain’s images.
    What should I do?
    (I am on linux hosting, using puTTy in windows to access SSH)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Ping! Still waiting for a reply. Please help!

  • Simple really

    The site you are asking about does not seem to be hosted on WordPress.COM so you need to make friends over at WordPress.ORG the keepers of the software you are using.


    This site is for support of sites hosted on WordPress.COM. You should address your questions to WordPress.ORG the keepers of the software you are using: http://wordpress.org/support/

    The forum at WordPress.ORG is not connected to WordPress.COM so you will need to open an account at .ORG if you do not already have one. You may use the same email at WordPress.ORG as you do at WordPress.COM.

    For more on the difference: http://support.wordpress.com/com-vs-org/

    If you are asking for help with a WordPress.COM site then we need a link to that site to give you accurate help.

  • Alright. Thank you!

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