widget copy, cut, paste

  • While trying to edit a text widget, I found I can not highlight text to copy text.
    I need to copy/cut text from one text widget and paste to another.
    It will not let me highlight text


  • Which browser and version of it are you using please?
    Have you tried a forced reload?
    crtl F5 on windows
    apple r on macs
    F5 on linux

    reference: http://faq.wordpress.com/2006/09/06/force-refresh/

  • I have tried it in IE, Netscape, Opera and Firefox
    it will not let me highlight to copy
    yes, I have reloaded, refreshed, rebooted, logged off, logged on and stood on my head.

  • I really don’t know how to help you. If you cannot select the text in order to copy it then it seems that you will simply have to type it again.

  • It has been working.
    Something has changed and it is not on this end!

  • Look, I am not new to this. There is something in the code of the text widget that is not allowing me to highlight the text.
    I have for many months now used the highlight, copy and paste in my work, but today it will not let me.
    I have my blog and three others I maintain. It is the same in them all. It is just the text widget. Nothing else. I can copy and paste anywhere else but the text widget.

    Am I crazy? You try it!

  • It sounds like you need staff help. Here’s the link http://wordpress.com/contact-support/

  • If the text won’t highlight on the widget you could try this: Type the text you want into notepad, copy that text, and then go to the text widget and click into where you want to paste the text, use Ctrl+V – that should force the text into the widget. Once your cursor is there you can delete or backspace to get rid of the previous text.

  • Thank you, but that is not the problem.
    I have some text widgets with a long string of links and graphics (subscriber stuff, link data) that I need to copy from one widget and paste in another.

    It will not let me highlight to copy the text. It will not let me copy ANY text form ANY widget. Something is amiss.

    Am I the only one this is happened to?

  • I just copied activemeter and the feedburner text out of my text widgets and pasted it, so it isn’t something wordpress-wide. Can you put the cursor in the text at all? I don’t know if you are using keyboard shortcuts for copy and paste or going to the edit menu, but if you can put the cursor within the text you want to copy, try hitting Ctrl-A or command-A on Mac for select all.

    Are copy and paste greyed out in your edit menu?

  • hmmmm ok

    Can you put the cursor in the text at all?

    Yes I can. Ctrl-c will not work since it will not let me highlight anything.

    Are copy and paste greyed out in your edit menu?

    No, they are not options since again, no text has been selected.
    The Ctrl-A or Select All option does nothing.
    Note: I copied and pasted the blockquotes here. It is just in the widgets where I cant select/highlight text. Plus, I went to my other computer and tried it. Same thing.
    It’s in my widgets somewhere.

  • @bigdadgib

    I’m at a loss then. I think you need to do as timethief suggested and contact staff. Perhaps there was an update to the contempt theme, or perhaps they can shed some light on it for you.

  • @bigdadgib

    Hopefully staff will note this thread and give you a hand with your widgets prior to support hours opening again on Monday.

    {nod to thesacredpath}

  • @bigdadgib I just ran your main page through the W3C markup validation service, and it reported back with a huge amount of errors. You might want to take a look at it. I don’t know if any of the errors have anything to do with your problem, but it would be a starting place till support is open again on Monday.


    {waving at TT}

  • @@bigdadgib
    Hmmm … let’s go back to the beginning
    (1) what is the code in the text widget that you are trying to copy for?
    (2) Where did you obtain it from? Please provide a link.
    (3) Is the code by any chance for a form or an iframe?
    (4) Is the code javascript?
    (5) Did it display properly in the text widget previously?

  • I’m continuing thinking out loud

    There is something in the code of the text widget that is not allowing me to highlight the text.
    I have for many months now used the highlight, copy and paste in my work, but today it will not let me.
    I have my blog and three others I maintain. It is the same in them all. It is just the text widget. Nothing else. I can copy and paste anywhere else but the text widget.

    (6) Have you tried dragging the text widget with the code in it back down into the “Available Widgets” box clicking “Save Changes”. Waiting and then dragging it back into the “Sidebar Widgets” box and trying to select the contents again?

  • Now, I am not sure if this is the exact problem that you are having but after speaking to a friend of mine you seem to be subject to Java script blocking.

    When I spoke to him I explained your problem and it seems that you have something that is blocking the Java – this could be Anti-virus, anti-spam or simply that your browsers have Java blocked. This is normally happens if something has been updated and blocked what you used to do.

    I would check all your security programs, including firewall. I would also look into downloading any updates from Sun Java and see if that helps in any way.

    Your pages, as has been said, does have quite a few errors on them – I would check that. And your site meter is open, I would make that closed or invisible. As it is from sitemeter you can change that in your manage meter options.

  • Thanks for the reply….

    (1) what is the code in the text widget that you are trying to copy for?
    (2) Where did you obtain it from? Please provide a link.
    (3) Is the code by any chance for a form or an iframe?
    (4) Is the code javascript?
    (5) Did it display properly in the text widget previously?

    1. any code… it does not have to be code, just plain text… It will not let me highlight text…any text.
    2. it is the simple greeting at the top of my sidebar on the right. No Code. I cant highlight it in the widget as if I was going to copy it or cut it. It is ANY text in the widget.
    3. it is just text I typed
    4. No
    5. Yes and it is still there. In all the widgets, It will not let me highlight any text, period.

    As far as security settings… It is the same in all four browsers I use, BUT as you see, I can copy and paste here!!! Just NOT in the widgets, and it is still that way on both my computers too.

    Yes, I tried dragging and dropping the widgets in an attempt to reset whqat ever was causing this. I can paste into a widget but I can not highlight text to copy/cut.

    I have a support req in. I hope to hear from them soon.

  • I think willrhodes1961 could be on the right track. In the past McAfee updates have led to problematic behaviour and had to be turned off.

    … Java script blocking … Anti-virus, anti-spam or simply that your browsers have Java blocked …

  • @thesacredpath
    W3C is showing errors because it does not like me using the ‘<hr>’ tag.
    The other errors it is kicking back are in links simple <> but most of them are because I use the ‘<hr>’ tag.

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