Why is my theme stuck in unpacking after I upload it?

  • I can’t upload the theme I bought. There as been issue after issue and then I created issues trying to fix the issue. It’s driving me insane for something as simple as uploading a theme.

    I started with a VERY simple issue: Theme not uploading. “okay” I thought, I’m obviously just missing something. I got a forzen screen saying “Unpacking the package” that didn’t go anywhere. The next 6 hours I spent looking for a fix were frustrating..

    It seems the answer that worked for others is 2 things:
    1) Unzip the folder, and rezip the folder so it doesnt have an extra folder inside which it comes with. Okay, very very simple. Didn’t work for me.

    Since that isn’t working, The other option is they suggest is to use an FTP client to upload the theme into the wordpress directory.

    Well, now when I click on my Appearance – Theme tab. I get this: http://i.imgur.com/4WSeNGE.png. So then I went back, reverted any changes I made (didn’t work) so then I reinstalled wordpress fresh using the installer(still didn’t work).

    So now.. I’m worse off than I started and I’m desperate for help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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