Why doesn't my entire blog post show up when someone clicks on it in reader?

  • I want subscribers to be able to see my entire blog post without having to click to my site from the Reader. Now it says my site is preventing this from happening when they go to comment on it or read it…but that’s not the case. Help!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • This prevention is a new ‘feature’ to make it easier for your readers. Now instead of ONE click that just have to click TWICE which apparently is much easier for people.
    You can read about this new ‘feature’ here https://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/reader-changed?replies=149 where you can make your issues known. In the meantime the way to prevent them having to come via two clicks you can make the first sentence of you post read something like “wordpress reader users please click here to read this post” and make that a link and link it to your acutal post. Then they can click this link in the reader and go straight to your post in one click.

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