Why aren't all my Twitter referrals tracked in stats?

  • Hi
    I have been web designing and looking after various web sites for over 10 years and I am loving wordpress.com for my new site/blog. I like everything about it except the site stats. I see my traffic go up considerably when I concentrate my promotion on Twitter for a few days and I know my traffic is coming from nowhere else but your site stats show 1 or 2 or sometimes 0 referrers from Twitter and 1 or 2 search terms in Google for my name and in fact your site stats show no info on where an additional 50+ views has come from when I know certainly they were clicks from my Twitter page and tweets. Because I know for a fact this data is so inaccurate I cannot trust any of the info on your site stats pages.

    I don’t mind if you can’t provide an accurate set of site stats but you should allow me to use Google Analytics or a similar tool which currently is not allowed.

    I hope you can either greatly improve your site stats and/or let me use Google Analytics.

    Matt Kinsella
    Blog url: http://mattkinsella.wordpress.com/

  • Most Twitter clients, all of them in fact excepted Twitter.com and Twitterrific, do not send any referral information, and the visitors coming through a link shortener usually, we can’t manage to track those.

    For this reason, these visitor are showing up in views, but not in referrers lists.

    This particular problem is not due to our stats system though, but to the way these links are handled.

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