When are you going to stop gaslighting me?

  • I am extremely offended by the response I got in this thread. I asked why certain items are no longer in the menu when you click the three dots in the corner. I was told that they are there if you click the three dots in the corner. I showed an image demonstrating that the specific things I asked about are NOT there when you click the three dots in the corner. I asked that if I’m somehow missing them to please circle them, and I was ignored. This feels like gaslighting, and I need you to stop.


    I also asked you to stop covering the scroll up arrow, and you are still refusing. I know of no other site that blocks the scroll up arrow other than WordPress, and I find accommodating this quirk extremely annoying. It didn’t used to do this. As a long time user, I am asking you to stop.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You click on “settings” to the left of the three dots to display Tags and Categories.

    The scroll bar is sometimes hidden if your PC/Laptop has a screen setting larger than 100%

  • The only thing left of the three dots is “update” and “view.” I don’t see “settings” anywhere, which is why I keep asking.

  • If parts of your dashboard interface are missing, try logging out of WordPress.com, clearing your browser cache and cookies, or using a different browser to the one you usually use.

    Have a look at this Support Guide with browser troubleshooting tips:

    How to Solve Common Browser Issues
    5 min read
    Some issues that you encounter with your WordPress.com site or account can be solved by changing your browser settings, refreshing the page, or clearing the browser cache and cookies. Supported Browsers Some browser issues may be caused by the browser itself. For optimal viewing and security we recommend that you use an up-to-date version of any of the following browsers: Google Chro

    See if that doesn’t recover those missing items. If you need more help, let us know what your set up is, OS and browser and versions.

  • Settings for me is the next button to the right of the update button at the top right corner of the screen..

  • @themagicrobot Same for me

    But looking at the 2nd screenshot that @scottandrewhutchins shared in his other thread, there’s a lot missing.

    And, oh heck, I just noticed that Distraction Free mode is enabled. @scottandrewhutchins Did you try turning that off?

    I think that might be the culprit here.

  • #1 I didn’t think it was on
    #2 When I clicked it, everything disappeared. I don’t even have a save button now. I can’t think of anything more pointless.

  • In “Distraction Free Mode” when you move your cursor towards the top of your screen the buttons, including Save/Update, should reappear. (That’s what you show in your 2nd screenshot in your other thread.) Click the 3 dots on the top right of your screen and click on “Distraction Free Mode” in the sidebar again to turn it off and bring everything back.

    The screen capture in the Support Guide shows this clearly.

    WordPress Editor » Write Text in WordPress
    4 min read
    If you’re a writer or blogger, this guide will show you how to write articles, blog posts, and other text content in the WordPress editor. Writing Text When you create a blank page or post in WordPress, the first thing you will see is an empty editor with the text Type / to choose a block. Blocks are the elements of your pages and posts, and there’s a block for every possible element you m

  • Thanks 2020trstjj. I don’t remember ever turning on distraction-free mode, and I had to shut down the computer ad turn it back on to get the desired result after I did that to get the desired result. I don’t know why it took months of forum posts to get a straight answer on this.

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