Stupid changes to WordPress

  • Whose imbecilic idea was it to cover up the up arrow button with a bar that takes up the entire screen yet has nothing useful that couldn’t be placed somewhere else. This bar has literally only six buttons on it, none of which used to cover the up arrow button.

    What happened to the settings? I can no longer find how to order my pages, I can no longer add tags while I’m editing a post, but only in a weird transition period after I’ve already hit the publish button. Even then, it randomly takes me out before I’m finished, and I cannot go back into the published post and more tags.

    You’ve made the site so much more difficult to use by taking away the user’s level of control of the site. I’ve complained about these issues before but never gotten any answers, just inanities like “Why would you want to use the scroll up button?” or “Your posts are too long.” This is not helpful.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Good Morning!

    Thanks for getting in touch. It would be great to see what’s happening on your screen. Are you able to add a screen shot for us?

    Making a Screenshot
    3 min read
    A screenshot is an image that captures what appears on your computer screen. Screenshots can come in handy when trying to explain something to Support, or if you want to blog about something you’ve seen on your computer screen. No matter what operating system you use, you can make a screenshot in just a few steps. WindowsMacLinuxiPhone, iPad, or iPod touchAndroid Phone or TabletChromebook
  • I am aware of this, but I am not sure how to show the settings menu not being there once it’s disappeared. I would have to be able to record the screen while I’m doing it, which I believe takes a special app. In my latest blog post, I wasn’t able to put it in any categories except “art” before the categories menu disappeared, so even though it’s a book review of a book about film, it’s not in my categories book-review or film, and I don’t know how to [put it in that category because I don’t see a settings menu.

    Unfortunately, since the latest update of my computer, taking a screenshot has become a multistep process, so I can’t show the cursor on the arrow to scroll up because I had to move the cursor to a menu at the top center (which itself is kind of useless since the option to take a shot of only the window without the entire screen doesn’t do anything no matter how many times I click it).

    Here you can see that there is no option for settings, categories, or tags:

    Here is how the menu blocks the arrow to scroll up, which is an extreme nuisance on larger posts and pages:

  • Regarding your first problem, that’s very easy to solve: just click on the 3 dots in the top right corner, et voila there are the other settings. If you don’t see a side bar, click on the icon Settings in the top bar left of your little photo.

  • I’m not sure what you’re even talking about. One of my images shows that menu, and what I am talking about is clearly not in the menu.

  • Euh … I’m talking about the problem you posted in the first screenshot (and which was already answered in previous threads). Everything I’m talking about is clearly seen in your screenshot …

  • What you’re talking about doesn’t appear to be what I’m talking about.

    Where do you see the up arrow not being blocked? Where do you see the category and tag options? I don’t see them. This never used to be a problem.

  • I’m telling you how to make the missing settings, categories, or tags visible again. If that doesn’t work, you are having a browser problem you have to solve first.

  • Again, I’ve shown you the menu that appears in the above image. I’m not seeing what you’re talking about. If you can, please circle them because I opened the menu with the three dots as above, and all I see is what’s in that image, and I’m not the things that I asked about there.

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