What’s the best approach to setup a daily health calculator on WordPress?

  • Hi there,

    We are working with a client who wants to build a “daily health calculator”.
    We’re a little unsure how to approach this from a development point of view and would value any input you may have to offer.

    We’ve found a few plugins that we think may work, but they all seem fiddly and don’t seem to have a 100% of the functionality that we’re looking for. We’re concerned that we’re perhaps approaching the problem incorrectly, and therefore thought it wise to seek some assistance.

    I’ve detailed the client requirements below, really appreciate your feedback.

    Any questions welcome!

    CMS: WordPress
    Theme: Divi 3.1
    WordPress Membership plugin: AccessAlly

    Our client is looking to develop a health behavioural score analysis system
    The system will prompt each user to fill a form on a daily basis
    Based on form submission, it will provide
    A daily score
    Periodic summaries of information

    1. Gathering information
    – Forms: to collect data from each user
    – This form will likely be filled in on a daily basis.
    – The questions will be in the format of a quiz
    – When this form has been filled, the summary of information just provided, and a calculated score will need to be displayed

    2. User Accounts
    – Form data will need to be stored inline with the corresponding User account and also the date the form was filled in

    3. Administrator Reporting
    – The saved data for all users need to be accessible by the Administrator
    – Data should be filterable for a specific date range for a specific user (example: All results of John from January 2nd to February 8th)

    4. Specific User Reporting
    – We would like to display certain highlighted information (i.e highest score) for a particular user
    – Data should be filterable for a specific data range (example: All my results from January 2nd to February 8th)
    5. Visualisation
    – Ideally, we’d like to display the results for each user in a chart format.

    I hope this explains what we’re trying to achieve, any advice is most appreciated!

  • Hello there,

    May I know if the site will be hosted on WordPress.com or hosted elsewhere using the open source WordPress?

    The reason I’m asking is that this is a support forum for WordPress.com so we’re trying to avoid giving you misleading information for your plan.

    See the differences between WordPress.com and self-hosted WordPress here:

    WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org

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