What is the meta widget for?

  • is there a manual or list of what each and every widget does that I may be overlooking.

  • The META widget gives you links to login to your blog (logout if you are logged in), your admin, your comments and posts feeds and a link to wordpress.com.

    Not sure if there is an FAQ with all the widgets, but http://faq.wordpress.com is really a useful tool!


  • Please only post a given issue once. Creating multiple threads where you ask the same question is annoying and time-wasting.

  • rain coaster I am not trying to annoy I am trying to learn. I find it interesting here that people would rather attack then give the answer to the question. I was taught that if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all.

  • What’s the Meta widget for?

    rss feed for posts
    rsss feed for comments
    admin log-in and log out

    There is no widget manual. However the meta widget itself lists these functions on it. In fact it says:

    * Site Admin
    * Logout
    * Valid XHTML
    * XFN
    * WordPress.com

  • Trent,

    Thanks for your answer. I still don’t quite understand your explanation for the the use of the widget but for now I think I will just forget about it and concentrate on getting my missing links restored and move on. Thanks for your time and thanks for being cordial.

    I think I am pretty much done with posting for any help here at all. The irony of it all is I signed up here to blog because it was recommended that everyone would be very helpful to newbie unlike at that OTHER blog. Oh well live and learn,

    BTW, I did and do read the Faq constantly. There were no details on the Meta widget or else I would not have asked is there was something else I could be reading.

    Thanks again.

  • There is no widget manual. However the meta widget itself lists these functions on it:
    * Site Admin
    * Logout
    * Valid XHTML
    * XFN
    * WordPress.com

  • TT, didn’t you have that intro to widgets you wrote awhile back?

    sondan, may I politely suggest taking a breather? You’re attacking those who are trying to help you but you’re “stepping on their toes” if you catch my meaning. You may have noted that other users aren’t posting the same question over and over again. There’s really no need for it.

    edit: All you’re going to do is make folks here not wish to help you and you’ll soon note that they’ll stop answering your questions.

  • @drmike
    This is the pattern:

    The Meta widget states what it is for right on it. Trent listed these functions in the first response to this person made in this thread and I have repeated them twice in this thread.

    I do not wish to share my “widgets” article with this histrionic person. And I will not be answering any further questions she posts.

  • sondan, I was not attacking you; I was correcting you. How do you expect to learn the norms of a place if you don’t ask and won’t accept correction? If you would like to experience an attack by me, I encourage you to go to my site and post in the comments there. Personal attacks, emotional outbursts, and fragile egos, as you will learn, are inappropriate in this forum but allowed on blogs. It’s educational to learn the difference.

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