What is the difference in Free and the starter package? Only adding the domain

  • I just recently bought starter package after trying free one for a week. During the free plan week, for almost every good theme, it asked me to upgrade my package. So i thought of upgrading my package to Starter as i just need a basic website. Now when i bought the package, for changing the font color, it is again asking me to upgrade my package to explorer package. Can someone please share the detailed difference between all the packages. I accept i need a basic website but that basic website doesn’t have to be all black and white. I should be atleast able to change font colors.

  • Good Morning –

    The Starter plan does not include custom styles, which are the features needed to make those desired changes on the site. All of the plans, prices, and features are listed at https://wordpress.com/pricing/

    If upgrading to Creator or Explorer makes sense, please know that the amount you’ve already paid us for Starter will be applied to that purchase, so you aren’t paying full price for those.

    Before making any decisions, though, I’d love to talk more about your site goals so we can get you set up on the best plan for your goals.

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